What is this? Geoglyphs in utah


Dec 12, 2018
I found these on Google Earth today. Anyone know what these are? They look man made almost like a garden or something. Geoglyphs? They are in a pretty remote area where you wouldn't really expect to see a lot of traffic from people.


It looks like something I saw on satellite in Virginia Park, The Needles. Wondered if it’s some kind of plant survey area, wild guess. Maybe @Bob knows....
I found them in Virginia Park just now. Being older I was able to hike in Virginia Park back in the 80's but did I ever get a look of scorn when I asked for a back packing permit for there. Two guys came out of an office and laid down the law to me. Not sure what year they closed it.
It looks like something I saw on satellite in Virginia Park, The Needles. Wondered if it’s some kind of plant survey area, wild guess. Maybe @Bob knows....
Yeah, I think that's exactly it. Those are just trails from the Park Service checking up on plants and stuff. There's some similarly strange stuff just outside the Needles District on BLM land here: https://www.google.com/maps/@38.1930495,-109.7468024,182m/data=!3m1!1e3

If you zoom in far enough you can see foot trails and strange square plots in the sand.