We're Stuck: Had the Power, Not the Clearance


Because I am able.
Dec 31, 2017

After the BCP Fest, Bobbi and I were desperate to get back out into the wilderness. We 'planned' a trip to Mendocino National Forest. This place is only two hours from us, practically in our backyards. There was very little information to be found, and multiple reach outs to the rangers proved useless. I could see a road or trail down to Grindstone Creek on any map I pulled up (earthmate, alltrails, google, etc). Mileage only looked to be a couple miles. We were excited for a lazy trip where we could take our time taking photos and work on correcting our numerous tan lines.

I grabbed Bobbi after my shift on Friday evening. We were so friggin' happy! If only we knew what was going to unfold...(don't worry, just being dramatic).


We pulled off somewhere in the NF to catch some ZZZs. I had purchased a Klymit Double Sleeping Pad for my Crosstrek and it really made a difference!
I was so happy, I couldn't sleep, I was just giddy to be sleeping outside, even if it was in my car. I had no intention of doing anything strenuous the next day and temps were supposed to be in the mid 80s. My pack, with food and water weighed less than 10lbs! I was so jazzed! I just couldn't wait to have a good day with my best friend in my favorite place...OUTSIDE.

We woke up and started driving around about 10. We made several attempts to get to Grindstone Creek with my car. The road/trail on the map did not exist. After we scratched the hell out of my car, we decided to head on the main road through the NF and go see if a campground 16 miles north was all full up.

MY FAVORITE PHOTO of this whole trip!! Taken by @Bobbiesworld626.


Snow Patch #1: Cleared!

In Miya's head: "Okay, if there is snow after this second patch, we will just turn around. I didn't pack for this."

Snow Patch #2: Going, going, slowing, stopped...
Miya presses on the gas.
Miya puts it in reverse and steps on it.
Miya turns to Bobbi, "We're stuck..."

I was surprised at myself, but I felt absolutely no panic (if Bobbi hadn't been there, I would have been a little more anxious). We hadn't passed a car for a couple hours, but it was only noon. I was 100% sure that we could dig out. Worse case, we use my Garmin to get help. Thank heavens I had left my work shoes in the car because all I had were sandals on my feet. I put on my cute, heeled, ankle boots. I shoved a pair of Darn Tough socks on my HANDS and started to dig.



My legs, hands, and toes were already tingling after 10 or 15 minutes.

Bobbi: There's a truck!

A truck was coming down from the campground we had been trying to get to. Apparently, everything was covered in snow. The two men and Bobbi went off to collect wood to put behind the tires while I continued to dig. After half an hour...or so, they gave up. We threw the comforters we had used the night before onto my hood and they pushed us out of there! Yay! Success! We laughed the whole way back down.

We still wanted to salvage the day!

Bobbi, representing BCP!

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I took my time taking photos and made us drive back off road to find these red/pink thistles! I LOVE thistles and had never seen them in any color besides purple!


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We ended up finding a spot at a free campground on the way back home. Free?! I know...right?

We drove to Walmart and bought alcohol and hot dogs (forgot the buns, so we enjoyed them Low Carb) haha. Even though people are disgusting and they relieved their bowels on the floor of the pit toilet, I would still say it was an amazing day. I got pretty drunk, we sang so many Disney songs, and got to sleep without our flys (my first time getting to do that, finally!) and enjoyed the vibrant stars..

Drunk coloring. Yes, I went outside the lines even though I was really concentrating.


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I cannot wait for our next adventure. Ima be cold but it's going to be super fun. You write so much better than I. When we live in a van you can support me through writing blogs and stuff.
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I cannot wait for our next adventure. Ima be cold but it's going to be super fun. You write so much better than I. When we live in a fan you can support me through writing blogs and stuff.

Aww thanks, this isn't even my good writing. It is my...hurry up and keep it short writing LOL.
That subaru pic is going to crush the hearts of many an owner, lol.

Way to make the most of the day!
That subaru pic is going to crush the hearts of many an owner, lol.

Way to make the most of the day!

Haha hopefully they will know it was the owner and not the car. I didn't even consider the height of the snow pile. Just went for it!