Weminuche Wandering- 95 miles Backpacking the Weminuche Wilderness

About two weeks ago I finished a 95 mile semi-loop in the Weminuche incorporating sections of the Colorado Trail, CDT, and numerous other trails. Rather than rewrite my blog, check out the link for the TR, route, and nearly 200 pics.

Here are a few photos to get an idea

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I've really been enjoying the trip reports on your blog, not only this one for the Weminuche but some of your others, too. Gorgeous photos! I can't believe how many miles you're able to cover each day. How do you manage to go so fast and take so many great pics???
I've really been enjoying the trip reports on your blog, not only this one for the Weminuche but some of your others, too. Gorgeous photos! I can't believe how many miles you're able to cover each day. How do you manage to go so fast and take so many great pics???
I'm glad you enjoy my blog and posts. I thru hiked the AT 20 years ago. I stayed in shape, whether hiking/backpacking, running, cycling/mountain biking, etc and kept my hiking speed and endurance after all these years. I usually hike until 1/2-1 hour before dark and the miles add up. I'm not out for speed, I just like to keep moving and am able to hike uphill at elevation without needing to slow down too much. I take pictures whenever something catches my eye.
I've really been enjoying the trip reports on your blog, not only this one for the Weminuche but some of your others, too. Gorgeous photos! I can't believe how many miles you're able to cover each day. How do you manage to go so fast and take so many great pics???
I've really been enjoying the trip reports on your blog, not only this one for the Weminuche but some of your others, too. Gorgeous photos! I can't believe how many miles you're able to cover each day. How do you manage to go so fast and take so many great pics???

Lots of snow/Ice?
Awesome. A friend and I did basically the same trip(minus the detour out to the Rio Grande Pyramid and plus a trip to Molas Lake at the start) a week later. Six days for us, doing 12-17 mile days, and often being done by 3pm.
Colors were really starting to pop.
Molas Pass: