Weekend in Moab


Onward and upward
Aug 20, 2016
It has been cold and snowy up here in Montana, so my brother and I decided to head south, looking for a place we hadn't been before. Moab caught our eye, and sort of on a whim we set up a few days to make the 11 hour road trip down. The temps weren't warm by any means, but better than what we were used to. The last few days were also incredibly windy, so looking over canyon rims was quite interesting. We got to check out Corona arch, Canyonlands, Dead Horse Point, and Arches. Oh, and the Moab Brewery of course.









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Nice! I really like the one with the ice. A classic of hiking in the winter months in the desert and very interesting.
Thanks for sharing, nice pictures.
Where was photo #4 taken?

There is a trail in the northwest portion Island in the Sky of Canyonlands called the Syncline Loop. Its 8.5 miles around the "upheaval dome", the picture that looks like a meteor impact site. You get to drop all the way down into the canyon, and then scramble your way back up. That picture is down in the canyon.
I did the Syncline Loop one winter's day and really enjoyed it, esp. since there was no one else on the trail that I knew of. I didn't have a map and almost took off down the drainage that goes to the White Rim. Actually, I did take off, but corrected myself before I got too far. You're supposed to cross it, not wander down it.

I was in Moab today and the weather was beautiful, but wow is there a lot of building going on - new hotels. Yikes.

And they've found shocked quartz at Upheaval, pretty much proving it's an impact site.