Water Pocket Fold district, Capitol Reef. Sheets Gulch.


Desert Rat-Weekend Warrior
Jun 7, 2012
After drooling over NateGeesaman 's pics of Sheets Gulch, and my love of that area, made the decision to do this hike an easy pick. I mentioned heading down there solo during Thanksgiving dinner, and Dad quickly expressed interest. He and I have had a lot of great adventures, so I was glad he wanted to go.

Saturday 11/24 we headed down at 6am. Arrived in the park, and was on the trail about 11. I can't believe Capitol Reef is no fee, and so little people. We were the only people on the hike that day. Saturday, beautiful weather, on a holiday weekend and not one other person was on that hike.

Beginning of Sheets Gulch by slc_dan, on Flickr

The diversity of the slots on this 12-14 mile hike was astounding.

The Bended Fold by slc_dan, on Flickr

Dad Climbing by slc_dan, on Flickr

Different Again by slc_dan, on Flickr

We stopped here, as it was getting a bit late, and there wasn't a lot of canyon left. Oh, and it may have had something to do with this large dry fall.

Sheets Gulch dry fall by slc_dan, on Flickr

I climbed up a bit, way fun.

End Refusal by slc_dan, on Flickr

A few close up shots, this canyon is really fun to shoot.

Richard Harrow by slc_dan, on Flickr

Pearloid by slc_dan, on Flickr

Sludge with Petrified Wood 1 by slc_dan, on Flickr

We camped on some BLM land outside the park, plenty to choose from, yet there is one I always go to. I played around with some nice light, but zero clouds. I always love the beautiful view of those Henry Mountains.

Dusk Henries by slc_dan, on Flickr

Notom Road by slc_dan, on Flickr

Thanks for reading!


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Sweet! What a way to spend turkey weekend, hiking with your dad. Btw, dig the Richard Harrow reference. :)
I was wondering if someone would catch that. We're about half way through the second season right now. Great character.
...looks like a lot of fun!
Really sweet pictures.

Thx for sharing.

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Sweet! What a way to spend turkey weekend, hiking with your dad. Btw, dig the Richard Harrow reference. :)
OK, I will bite. I put Boardwalk Empire on my Netflix queue. I assume you guys are recommending it. It only shows 2.5 stars.
OK, I will bite. I put Boardwalk Empire on my Netflix queue. I assume you guys are recommending it. It only shows 2.5 stars.

It's good, but not Homeland or Game of Thrones good. Things just tend to move a little slow in it for my taste. Worth watching during the slow winter months though. Richard Harrow is by far the most bad ass character in the show, especially after the recent season finale.
It's good, but not Homeland or Game of Thrones good. Things just tend to move a little slow in it for my taste. Worth watching during the slow winter months though. Richard Harrow is by far the most bad ass character in the show, especially after the recent season finale.

yep, pretty much this.