Water depths and gear planning


New Member
Sep 9, 2014
Out-of-towner coming to the Escalante River area soon, and am trying to plan what gear I'll need to bring. I'm hoping folks here can give some advice on water depth that I can expect to run into on the following hikes:
--Peek-A-Boo, Spooky, & Brimstone
--Zebra & Tunnel
--Coyote Gulch
--Antelope Canyon

From what I've read, Coyote Gulch is the main one to plan for, but the water doesn't sound like it's more than ankle/calf deep at most. Am I right about this?

I'm planning on bringing Neoprene socks and canyon shoes that can get wet and dry quick. I also have a couple of Ultra-Sil Sea-to-Summit dry sacks for my sleeping bag, dry clothes, and down jacket, as well as small waterproof zip bags for electronics, and a trash bag liner for my pack. Does this sound like it will be enough? Or should I anticipate needing to protect my pack and gear from being submerged and/or swimming at any point?

Thanks in advance!
don't know about the others, but i did Coyote Gulch just the same as any other backpack. tennis shoes and socks. a lot of places there have make shift crossings. but bringing a pair of sandals is probably best for that canyon so you can just walk in the creek. didn't have to worry about bagging any thing.
You are correct on Coyote. Nothing more than ankle-to-calf. Sandals are okay but I hate hiking in them because sand and gravel get stuck between foot and sole. Better to have wet tennis shoes all day and then maybe some lightweight camp shoes at night.

Zebra can hold a bit of water. If it has flooded recently, expect at least waist deep pools, maybe more. But at least it is quite short.
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