Utah Lake on ICE

We need a "Front Country Post" forum for outings like this! ;)

All kidding aside, looks like it was a fun time. Nice pics!
Cool pictures. So are those the Wasatch or the Uinta mountains in the background?
How far out did you go? Could you tell how thick the ice was?

The little guy looks like he's dealing with the cold pretty good.

I've always wanted to go down and play some pond hockey on Utah Lake -
but it doesn't look like it's very skater friendly.
How far out did you go? Could you tell how thick the ice was?

The little guy looks like he's dealing with the cold pretty good.

I've always wanted to go down and play some pond hockey on Utah Lake -
but it doesn't look like it's very skater friendly.

I really couldn't tell how thick the ice was where we were, 6" maybe. we only went out about 100 yards. I am pretty sure if I fell through I would have only been standing in a foot of water LOL!

Yeah.... ice skating on the lake would be tricky. Maybe if you cut a hole and let some of the water seep out and freeze, then it might work.

I have been pleased with how well my little guy has been handling the cold. it doesn't even seem to phase him very much.