Utah Adventures Season 3


Dec 11, 2013
After watching the documentary "Mile, Mile & a Half" I decided to up the ante and improve my trip report videos by turning them into a webseries. Feel free to follow along as we explore Utah. I'll reply to this thread as episodes are added.

So awesome!! I guess this was probably one of the best trips we did together. Despite the belly flop I had such a good time. I don't know why we didn't brought dry bags for Bluejohn and just swam through the wet sections. Would have been much easier. :)
Anyway, you captured all the great moments of that trip.
Great job!!! :twothumbs:
Thanks for watching! That was also my favorite trip of the year (so far).
Any idea when the LaVerkin Creek video will be up? :dance:
It's next on the list. I'm about 70% done editing that one. I told myself I had to finish bluejohn first. I'm guessing a week or two for the next episode to be posted.
Lisa and Laura, I haven't previewed this yet, so let me know if you see any audio glitches or skips in video.
Lisa is a character. She's a lot of fun to have on trips.

My favorite part was Laura saying she wished her pack were heavier and the uphill sand were longer. The funniest part is that we didn't even have to go up that uphill sand. We lost the trail and thought that was the route out. Nope.
I wish you could see the huge grin on my face as I sit here watching the video! Oh man, what great memories, and this is a perfect souvenir. Awesome video skills Steve! So great to relive the trip and see you guys again. I'll be watching this over and over.

Miss you guys, can't wait to do it again! :twothumbs: