Uinta Loop suggestion


Feb 22, 2018
New to the Uintas and I could use some suggestions for a 3-4 day loop. So far I've done Red Castle and back around via Kings Peak and Henry Forks Drainage. Also did Lake Priord around to Deadhorse Lake and back. There's usually a good chance I'll be solo, so a loop is somewhat mandatory since I'll only have one car.
Here are few:
1. Start at Moon Lake and do a loop around Brown Duck Basin/Cleveland Pass
2. Do a loop around Grandaddy basin, could even spend a night in Four Lakes Basin
3. Start at Highline TH and hit up Naturalist, Four Lakes, and Rock Creek
4. Start at Christmas Meadows TH and hit up Kermsuh Lake and Middle Basin
I was going to suggest the same one Parma listed above as #2. You can hike into Betsy Lake and then there are lots of different directions to go the further you hike in.