Trip Report Catalog


{insert witty remark here}
Jan 22, 2012
So the other day I was like, hmm, I wanna go to Escalante sometime soon. I wonder what good TR's are up on I bombed on over and realized something: the TR's have no categorization for area. We can sort through them by type (ie canyoneering and backpacking) but not by where they were.

So I propose a catalog. When we post our TR's we select the general area for our TR (IE the swell, the roost, canyonlands, etc). That way it's super easy to look up past TR's. Because I don't know about you guys but I sure get a lot of ideas for trips from everyone else's TRs

I'm not sure *how* it would be done but perhaps it can be one of those prefix drop down options and then we can filter by it.

What do you guys think?
Ahem... Fantastic idea but I'm not sure if I'm allowed to release any spoilers. We've tossed around a few ideas related to this subject but all I can say right now is stay tuned.
Yep, good idea if it can be done. I've been tagging certain posts with the Bookmarking function for this same type of thing. I've been using tags like "Uintas" or "Winds" to create a basic system of cataloging places for future reference.
Okay, I suck. I didn't get it done this weekend. It's all those damn videos I shot in Zion! Coming soon though.. in the meantime, when you guys go to post a trip report, make sure you fill in some tags in the field just below the trip report editor. That will be integral in all of this once it's done.

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sweet guys! stoked for some good TR searchability.