Trip Report: Beus Canyon Trail to Mt Ogden


Formerly Cuberant
Aug 8, 2016
This is my first trip report here on so bear with me. ..

I really enjoyed this trail with it's varying terrain and challenging climb. The sign at the Beus Canyon trail head indicates 5.2 miles to the saddle below Mt Ogden. My InReach showed the trail head to be at 4,834 ft and the saddle at 9,209 ft so it's a pretty good climb. After "summiting" Mt Ogden I followed the approximately two mile Snow Basin service road to the Needles Lodge where I caught the tram down to the resort base to be picked up by my wife. Total miles recorded by my InReach odometer log was just over 12 miles.

I decided to use video to do my report so I hope you enjoy it. Just click on the link below and click on Play All.
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