Trip advice for huge Sawtooths loop


Jun 18, 2015
I am planning a rather ambitious route through the Sawtooths in late August and I am looking for input from those familiar with the area. This would be my first visit to the Sawtooths, or Idaho for that matter... I try to go somewhere new every year. I am looking for input regarding any sections of the route that would be impassible or too dangerous, boring or unscenic sections that could be rerouted somewhere better, any sections of nightmarish bushwhacking, good (scenic) camping areas and good fishing lakes along the route, etc.

My caltopo map is here: Click here to view on CalTopo - My route is in purple and labeled "my latest route"

I am planning on starting at Redfish lake and doing this hike in around 8 days, but haven't settled on the number of days yet. I can add or delete days if needed.
Nothing helpful to add, but I watch your youtube vids so it's good to see you've got another long trek tee'd up ;)
How was the trip @metalbackpacker ? I'm heading to the Sawtooths in a few days myself and I'm curious about how you found the pass between Baron Peak and Peak 9854. Did you end up following your planned route in purple? I was planning on attempting a similar route through that section.
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I ended up revising the route and started from Pettit Lake. Nope I didn't follow the route as planed either once out there. I ended up cutting off the whole northern section, north of Baron lakes. This is the route I hiked:

Click here to view on CalTopo
Didn't make it up there to the pass between Baron Peak and 9854. However, having done the route I did above I would be confident to give it a shot. My toughest section was from Baron Lake over to Bead Lakes, then to Packrat Lake and over Packat Pass, and through a sketchy boulder field below Elk peak before dropping down into upper Redfish Lake Creek Valley. I have a feeling the route over Baron Pass is probably more doable then you think. I heard Packrat Pass was very sketchy going up from Packrat Lake but I did not find that to be the case.

The hike itself was great. Good fishing at Heart lake, Bead Lakes and Packrat Lake. Good weather except a little rain in the evening f day 6 at Packrat Lake. Saw the total eclipse from the pass above Baron Lakes, that was incredible! There were several other people up on the pass, maybe 40 or so scattered around. There were a lot of people on the trail before the eclipse(couldn't find a campsite at all at middle Cramer Lake and Baron Lake was packed), but it did die down afterwards. Then again, I was off trail for 3 days and saw nobody for 2.5 days during that stretch.

Just this morning I finished my video and posted it on youtube:

And Wrote up a long trip report on the hike here if you're interested in the details of the trip: