The DJT Utah National Parks Highway

Don’t ever think that Utah is normal. What worm lives in these legislators mind?
Regardless of political opinion, it's a ridiculously premature move since he has only been in office for a year. No one can be completely sure what his legacy will be. That's why they normally do this kind of stuff after people die or at least after longer than a year .
You're driving along at 1AM on Hwy 95 and you come across a sign. Do you...

A) Steal the sign
B) Deface/modify the sign
C) Prompt your dog to pee on the sign
D) Respect the sign

Choices, choices. :rolleyes:
I've reached my limit for articles on the website...I'll have to wait until next month to read it. :)
If the sign isn't encased in concrete, you can just yank it out with a pickup truck and a chain. I mean, theoretically. I do not condone such behavior.
Stormy Daniels rampway!! :roflmao:

As for the rest of it, um, no. Not on my life am I ever living in a town through which runs the "DJT Highway" or whatever it would be called. Definitely any such signs would be yanked right out. (Also just saying I imagine that would happen, not saying I condone or would do something like that myself. Though I sure would applaud watching a video of it later.)

And I have dogs. Girl dogs, but they can be taught how to pee all over offensive signage. They're smart that way. ;)
lol. seriously how many manhours did these idiots waste arguing about this "proposal" before trashing it?