Suggestions for a late April 3-4 day backpack?


Mar 13, 2012
I am looking for suggestions for a 3-4 day backpack trip to start Apr 27. Don't like the snow stuff so we have to watch the altitude etc. I have done most of Grand Gulch, Coyote Gulch, Fish & Owl, Woodenshoe in Dark Canyon area, several Grand Canyon hikes, a bit of Zion, Bryce... We generally like to hike a total of say 24-28 miles (depending of course on difficulty). The biggest issue is we don't like to be pack mules and have to carry lots of water. There are lots of good hikes in say Canyonlands but most if not all require water lugging (I have done Salt Creek). Our interests are in scenery and of course any ruins are a plus.
Any suggestions???
The Paria comes to mind. Can anyone with personal experience speak for the water temperatures at that time of year?
The Paria comes to mind. Can anyone with personal experience speak for the water temperatures at that time of year?
Hiked the Buckskin in early May a few years ago and there was NO WATER in the Paria at the confluence. With the low snow pack this year it may be dry. A lot could happen between now and April though.
The Paria is flowing...was just there. End of April??? That's an interesting gamble!