Solo Maze trip, with a twist.


Mar 6, 2014
During a recent outing to that certain remote part of Canyonlands I combined three non-motorized ways of travel, namely mountain biking, packrafting and hiking. While it sounds complicated at first it turned out remarkably simple both in planning and execution. This was important as I, as usual, conceived the idea to this trip some 36 hours before setting out.

On the river side of the Maze, there's only one spot where a road leads all the way down to the water: the mouth of Millard Canyon on the Green. It's directly across from the White Rim road in the Island in the Sky district, near a spot where this road also dips down close to the river.

Seeing a potential back door to the Maze not needing 4x4 wheels, jet boats or a long commute to Hans Flat I packed up the bike with some light bivy gear, 3 days of food and a 5 pound Alpacka raft and pedaled out the White Rim. Nearly 10 miles upstream of Millard I launched the boat with the bike and everything and leisurely drifted with the current.

At around noon on day one I pulled up on the beach at Millard and began the 25 mile ride to the Maze Overlook. The huge terrain out here, this early in the year, had a very remote feel to it. It was obvious no vehicles had ventured this far out yet for the 2014 season.

Storm cells, headwind and crusty sand made for a taxing ride. At sundown amidst sprinkles I got to camp and quickly dipped below the rim to a secure rock shelter, out of the wind. Had a beautiful evening and excellent sleep.

A bright clear morning on day 2 was ideal for a loop hike into the Maze involving the super fun descent down from the Overlook, the ridge near Pete's Mesa, Chimney Rock and Pictograph Canyon. 13 miles later, with fresh water from the abundant springs in the canyons I was back at camp for a modest lunch and nap, then relocated my camp to the top of the Golden Stairs, with its far ranging views of the Fins, Ernie's Country and the benches ultimately leading to Hite.

The third and last day started with mare's tails, strong gusts and shortly followed by building darkness to the west. Ahead of me I had a long cruise back to the boat, but hoping for at least partial tailwinds I decided to spend a few hours first descending the Golden Stairs trail and visiting Lou's spring on the outskirts of the complex Fins area. Unable to completely relax, with an eye constantly to the sky, I rushed this amazing hike leading to an area worthy of many days.

Back up I cleared out before 11 and pedaled non stop for 3.5 hours to arrive at the Green in complete overcast, ominous conditions. Relieved to find the raft not absolutely destroyed by pack rats (a worry that stressed me out most of the ride back!!) I recrossed the river and rode the White Rim back to the car. That evening it rained hard over the entire region. Over the span of three days I saw just two jolly backpackers at the Harvest Scene.

For full disclosure I should remark that although I secured a permit for this trip, I was later contacted by the NPS and told that it is illegal to move a bike on the river. Whether this obscure rule is in fact in the regulation book or merely a misinterpretation by an office bound ranger remain to be discovered

All photos with a GoPro Hero 2.

by kullaberg631, on Flickr
The boat and bike.

by kullaberg631, on Flickr
A minor defile below the Buttes of the Cross

by kullaberg631, on Flickr
Rock shelter bivy

by kullaberg631, on Flickr
Water in the desert!!!

by kullaberg631, on Flickr
If there's a cairn there's probably a way.

by kullaberg631, on Flickr
Moki steps

by kullaberg631, on Flickr
More fun Maze mazing.

by kullaberg631, on Flickr
This catwalk would have freaked me out with a heavy pack along.

by kullaberg631, on Flickr
The incredible Lou's spring, unfortunately marred by the bizarre tragedy of last year. Thankfully I had forgot about it until returning.

by kullaberg631, on Flickr
Golden Stairs tarp camp.

by kullaberg631, on Flickr
The bike, a Surly Krampus. Socalled mid fat technology.

by kullaberg631, on Flickr
Golden Stairs trail, a hard to follow jumble of broken rock and debris zig zagging down thru layers of sandstone. On the map marked as 1.3 miles but gps'ed at 2.2

by kullaberg631, on Flickr
China Neck

by kullaberg631, on Flickr
Yes that little thing of a mere 5 lbs can haul a full size mtb and do class 4 (with an optional spray deck)

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It's pretty obvious the park's current permit system is ill-designed for multi-discipline trips such as this. Cool exploration, regardless.
Way cool! You've inspired me to use my GoPro for stills. adventure I have read in a while...the Maze is fabulous! How was the road to Millard Canyon? What was the tragedy at Lou's Spring?
Wild. Great Trip! I'd be curious to hear how the regs work out and what the NPS does about it. How did they know BTW?
Thanks for all the comments.

The Millard road is similar in difficulty to the fast sections of the White Rim, although the traffic is considerably less! My guess would be fifty vehicles per year. Some sand.

On the permit one need to state entry/exit points. The only choice for this trip was Millard. As I applied for a jeep/mtb permit, as opposed to the backpacking type, they probably figured that coming in that way a bike was the likely method of travel. Although with a landing craft I could have driven...

The curious part about the whole bike on the river thing is that the tour company working with us at the bike shop here in Moab has, for years, run a NPS permitted trip that involves a ride down Lathrop Canyon from Island in the Sky. When the guests arrive at the river a chartered jet boat loads them and the bikes and zips back to town.
cool creative way to spend some time in the area. Transporting bike via raft a rule? bizarre.
For full disclosure I should remark that although I secured a permit for this trip, I was later contacted by the NPS and told that it is illegal to move a bike on the river. Whether this obscure rule is in fact in the regulation book or merely a misinterpretation by an office bound ranger remain to be discovered

I for one would like to see the verbage of this supposed regulation.