Slickrock rambles for April 2016?


Jan 9, 2013
I need the Hive-mind of to help me out with some ideas. Have vacation for mid-April this year and looking for some suggestions.

Duration of the trip will likely be around 4 days/3 nights max. Although I like playing around in the ditches, was wondering what options/ideas you guys had for a hike that had more wide-open views? Or some open views? I was thinking Boulder Mail Trail but the only issue is I don't care for extended wading in creeks (and it looks like the trail guide on this site suggests that's the price of admission for Death Hollow).

Does the BMT automatically go through Death Hollow or is there a route that by-passes it?
Other option was once again trying Dominguez Canyon point-to-point but at that time of year I suspect the upper trailhead (Big Dominguez Campground TH) will be inaccessible due to snow still on the plateau.

It's only a mile or so in Death Hollow and you could probably keep your feet dry if you tried. BMT would be a good choice. There is no way to avoid Death Hollow unless you can fly.
It's only a mile or so in Death Hollow and you could probably keep your feet dry if you tried. BMT would be a good choice. There is no way to avoid Death Hollow unless you can fly.

What if I brought a jet-pack?

You are making it hard for me to dismiss BMT Nick. I've had my eye on it for YEARS and this might be the year we finally do it. The pics I've seen and TR's look too good to pass up.
Of course there are so many other options too. Never visited Capitol Reef NP despite my annual forays to Utah. I'm having a little paralysis by analysis but in the end, don't think there is a wrong pick.
There really isn't a wrong pick. I just looked back on my trip report from doing it in January ( and I remembered there is also a bit of walking along a stream in Pine Creek before it reaches the Escalante. We had to get wet a couple times but I think it may have just been because of all the snow. I don't think we got wet at all in Death Hollow. Regardless, it's very little wet feet, if at all.