Sawtooths, Sawtooth Lake loop


Sep 12, 2014
I did this hike in october 2013. It's amazing what first snows can do for mountains. Hiking in october is fantastic. I had perfect weather, it was one of the prettiest hikes i've ever done, and not only did i not see a single person on the trails, i didn't even see a sign of any one else. No other foot prints in the snow. The loop is may be 18 miles, i did it over two days. Up the North Fork Baron Creek trail, back down Trail Creek.

Some aspen near the trail head.
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And more.
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I didn't go too far in the first day after driving up. Here i camped along the North Fork of Baron Creek.
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View up the valley that second morning before the sun was over the rise.
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Almost to the sun.
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There it is.
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Continuing up the valley.
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After following the valley at a slight grade for a few miles the trail switch backs up the side to head to Sawtooth Lake. Here's the view looking out across that valley near the top of those switch backs.
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At this elevation the trail was almost entirely snow covered.
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Looking back at only my foot prints.
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A frozen tarn on the way to Sawtooth Lake.
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And then a second one.
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Looking back across the tarn to the peaks across the valley of North Fork Baron Creek.
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And looking back the same way from a little farther on and a little higher up.
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And shortly beyond there, approaching Sawtooth Lake.
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Walking along the lake.
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Sawtooth Lake, Mt Regan on the left.
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Mt Regan
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At the far end of the lake the trail starts to climb above. This is looking back in the direction of the lake which is hidden. Alpine Peak on the left, Regan near center.
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And looking at the lake again from above. You can see the trail line on the right going to the saddle. sawtoothsseptember2013 536.JPG

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You can see the town of Stanley deep down in the valley here.
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Snow at the top.
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The lake from the top.

On the way down i took a moment to go up a side trail and check out the Trail Creek Lakes.
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And then i continued the rest of the way down the trail to the car.
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And the road out.
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The second tarn before sawtooth lake is where I camped this past summer. It's cool to see it with some snow.
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Reactions: Ben
Looks to cold for me. Great pictures! I was in that area a few years ago but in August - even then it was a bit chilly.
with the sun shine i just wore a t shirt and flannel while i was walking. october can be surprisingly mild.
I love that feeling when there aren't even any other footprints. Pretty cool to see the early ice forming on the lakes too.
the ice was really interesting. you could see lines where it had melted back, and then frozen again and extended in succession.
I remember those switch backs by Regan from our trip thru there.... That particular day we had planed a longer hike than our average moving, and there was a really miserable, never ending downpour to slog thru...We were muddy, played out & soaked... . Our leader wanted to keep to the scheduled hike, but when we got to those switchbacks, we mutinied on him.... we voted to camp at Sawtooth lake, and that night were treated to the most vibrant alpine glow Ive ever witnessed..... If you ever plan on going back and would like some company Ben, Id throw my hat in that ring!
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