San Juan Mtns - late June too early?


Dec 5, 2017
We're planning a summer trip with our sons for day hiking in the San Juans, probably Sneffels Highline, Blue Lakes, Ice Lake, etc. I know every year is different, but based on the Snow Water Equivalent map it looks like this year's snow levels are about average. Is the last week in June too early to manage the higher altitudes? Ideally we'd go when trails are passable and wildflowers are plentiful. (Also not too many afternoon thunderstorms, but I know that's asking a bit much...)

I don't want to wait too long to figure out our dates, as I need to book flights, lodging, etc.

I know there are a bunch of you Colorado experts out there. Advice?
Hi Janice. With a half century of hiking,climbing ,camping and so on behind me in Colorado I would say that for optimum conditions late June is too early for Blue Lakes and Ice Lake Basin . The Sneffles Highline Trail has great exposure to the south so that would be good at least down low. All of those trails are popular so it is likely that the snow would be packed down by previous hikers so it just depends on your tolerance of walking in snowy,sloppy ,muddy conditions. Post July 4 would be best of course . Average snowpack in the San Juans is more snow than the rest of the state would have on average.

This is Storm peak (south ridge of velocity basin, north of Silverton) looking south on June 25, 2023. That was a lot of snow last spring and it would have been a snow filled ice lakes basin last June. But that is very uncommon. Zlmtns is right, the south ridge of Sneffels would be fine. But Yankee boy was full of snow in June ‘23. The last week of June is usually good hiking high peaks on an average to low snow year in the San Juans. So far this year it is doubtful that we will get as much snow as last winter. So I would book your trip, but keep a backup plan in the back of your mind. The La Platas dry up a little earlier and have some really nice ridge hikes.

I normally backpack the high peak of the San Juan the first week of July, but there has been years I had to push it off a few weeks to avoid snowshoeing!!!
Great photo, @Tweedie. Thanks for the info. We'll be going mid-July and are looking forward to a great trip!