Album Rock Art and Ruins


Jan 17, 2012
I think we needed an album for your best rock art and ruins photos, so here it is. Let's use this album for your best shots, not just to 'document' every petroglyph you might have come across while out exploring.

This is one of my favorites from last year taken at Dinosaur National Monument shortly before sunset.

Sun Shield Warrior by IntrepidXJ, on Flickr
The Solstice Snake
This is my favorite one! I just love the whole history behind it with the arrow piercing the snakes heading during the solstice! So amazing they were able to do that!
Notch panel - Coyote Buttes. I don't have that many picture of rock art and most are so-so, but I like this one the best. I love the dude with the ear rings and the two headed snake on the top-left! We stumbled upon this not knowing it was there making it even funner to find!
IMG_2229 - Paria - Indian Petroglyphs.jpg

IMG_2230 - Paria - Indian Petroglyphs.jpg
how did you light up the panel?

A few strikes of magnesium fire steel.

<a href=""><img border="0" src="" ></a><img src="" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />
I was anxious to see if you would find this one Randy. I am glad that you did. Heck....half the fun is the search in itself. I am sure for some....their search is now beginning ........
The variety of pottery shreds at this site is impressive. The fact that they are undisturbed/not on a "museum rock" adds to the uniqueness.

IMG_4161.jpg by Deadeye008, on Flickr

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I recently came across a similar site which was at the edge of a ledge wall & had a 6 inch layer of ash underneath which was visible where the wall was eroding away (clay wall).
there were pottery pieces in situ of as many types as in your shot spread over an area of about 10 square feet.
it also included this awesome knuckle bone.

when describing it to a local who is very knowledgeable, i was told that it was most likely originally the bottom of a kiva.
my own theory is that it was a pottery manufacturing site's midden pile.

here is a reference shot and a couple choice shots of the pottery:




the ash layer below the site: