Road Bike People?


Jan 17, 2012
So do we have any road bike people on here? Anyone interested in doing some touring trips? Or just some decent group rides :)
You people are brave. I'd rather rap off a 200 foot cliff than trust someone coming up behind me NOT to swerve. :eek:

But aside from the dying part, it looks pretty fun.
You people are brave. I'd rather rap off a 200 foot cliff than trust someone coming up behind me NOT to swerve. :eek:

But aside from the dying part, it looks pretty fun.
As my wife has commented before "If it will shorten your life span you have tried it or have some kind of longing to do it don't you".. I usually reply with a slightly sheepish.. "umm yeah if you have to put it that way.."
If I was closer I'd be there in a heart beat. I'm currently gearing up to do overnighters and long weekends this spring around rural Indiana.
Hope you find some people to ride with it can really make it a lot more fun.