Reflection Canyon

Mike Jones

Feb 19, 2013
So thanks to all your suggestions and tips, I went out to reflection canyon this weekend in Utah. I camped at Smithsonian Butte Road with my Jeep on the way out from San Diego and practiced some night photography in preparation for Reflection Canyon.


It pays to have a car you can go topless in ;-)

I woke up early before sunrise and drove through both Zion and Bryce. I will be honest I was tired and messed up some pictures that could have been great in Zion.

When I got to the visitors center in Escalante, I was told there was one other group (2 people) who got permits before me. I ended up passing them on the hike out and talked to them later at the Canyon, they were good people.

The drive down hole in the rock road was a blast in my Jeep, but I really got my car dirty having the back windows out. I was covered in dust by the time I got to the "trail head". But it was well worth it! The road was pretty easy drive, but got a bit more technical toward the end, and I would not try it without 4x4 and high clearance if you are going toward the end of Hole in the Rock Road.

The water levels were about 15 feet higher than the icon picture but it was still an amazing place to see!


I only met one other group that hiked out, and we all talked in the morning while we were watching sunrise. There was one other group that did not hike out, and they took a boat and then did a short hike. All in all great people and great views!

I was able to snag probably the only place you could use stakes for setting up a tarp or tent, and I was very happy got to camp at the top!


If you want to see more pictures and read my detailed trip report you can check it out on my blog post, Photographing Reflection Canyon

If you have any questions about the trip please ask!
Love that last picture on your blog with reflection canyon and the milky way! That's pretty sweet!

Thanks! I worked really hard on that picture. Its actually two shots at two different exposures from the same spot. I had to expose for the milky way and then again for the canyon. I just ordered a print of it to hang up, hoping it comes out ok!