Question on star photography


Dec 30, 2015
I did a few start shots this past weekend. Let me first say I am no photographer. I borrowed a canon rebel T1i and a tripod. First I tried shooting aperture priority at the recommendation of the camera owner but it was too dark. Then I went manual and shot ISO 1600, 30 second time, and f4 I believe. The trees in the foreground were in focus (for the most part the rest I'm sure was user error) but the stars were blurry. Is that because 30 seconds was too long and allowed for movement of the earth? Or what?
Thanks for any tips or guidance you can give me!

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It is impossible to try to do any astrophotography , using anything other than full manual controls, including focusing. You'll need to learn how to manually focus your lens using "LIveview" at 100%. If the trees were in focus, I doubt the stars could have been in focus at f4.

Expecting your camera to do anything "automated" in pitch darkness will not work and is the biggest issue most beginners have.
Keep trying at it, you're on the right track.