Psuedoephedrine at high altitude


New Member
Oct 2, 2018
Hello, not really sure where to post this, but I was wondering if anyone knew anything about psuedoephedrine at high altitudes. Specifically if it helps with lung function and preventing altitude sickness.

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I don’t ever recall anything about that when I’ve researched altitude sickness. I use Diamox on multi-day, high altitude trips and have had great results.

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Thanks for the reply. I can't find anything on Google about psuedoephedrine, but it has worked well for me. I am just trying to find any research about it, but it has come up blank. Where do you get Dimox?

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I don’t ever recall anything about that when I’ve researched altitude sickness. I use Diamox on multi-day, high altitude trips and have had great results.

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Thanks for the reply. I've used it for every trip, but I can't find any research on Google about it. Where do you get Diamox?

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Diamox is a prescription.

FWIW, some people have reported good results with Viagra (seriously!). Obviously not its intended use but apparently it really does help. Also a prescription though, unless you happen to be a conservative radio talk show host :)
As most here will know in the valleys the air is made up of 21% oxygen and
at elevation there is still 21% oxygen, there's just less air at elevation so there
is less oxygen.

So when at elevation our heart rate and breathing increase as means of meeting the
brain's oxygen demand, thus more blood in the brain causes dilation of blood vessels
which leads to increased cranial pressure , leading to elevation symptoms.

Of course. then anything that helps improve oxygen delivery is going to help mitigate
elevation symptoms. Which is why the previously mentioned pharmacological substances
may help.

Which leads me to this point, I've never tried it personally but I've read that Ginko Biloba
which is a popular herbal product, aids in delivering oxygen to brain tissue. Think of it as
making the transportation of oxygen from blood to brain more efficient. The caveat is that
it needs to be taken at 100mg 2x daily for 5 day prior going to elevation.

As in all things, your mileage may vary.
Sorry, I didn't read the original comment closely enough.

When you say "lung function" do you mean ability to bring in more

The problem in the lungs is the subsequent rise in blood pressure at
elevation can lead to bleeding in the lungs = High Altitude Pulmonary Edema (HAPE)
The classic sign is a cough that won't stop at best and at worst coughing up blood.