Poet Ridge - Glacier Peak Wilderness

May 3, 2018

My 2 week vacation has started. Monday I did a short day hike on the Little Wenatchee / Poet Ridge trail in Glacier Peak Wilderness. A long up and down ridge hike toward Glacier Peak and the White Chuck Glacier basin. It was hot. I knew it was going to be hot so I brought a water filter a long (record scratch). Yeah, I forgot it. So I had a little tiny water bottle with no way to filter water in the 80* heat on an exposed ridge. This unfortunately cut my trip short but in turn gave me a little more time to pack and prepare for my Alpine Lakes Wilderness over nighter which I just got back from. I only really ever looked at the hike from google sat view so when I actually did the hike it surprised me how much of it is under tree cover before you get to the meadows. It took close to 2 miles before I left tree cover but once i broke the tree cover the views were excellent. That's when I realized I forgot my water filter so I was on borrowed time with the temperature. A mosquito got be right on the ear too. I was the only vehicle in the lot and the only person out there. It left a good impression on me and I can't wait to be back and turn it into a few day trip. The wild flowers are coming out too.



The illusive Glacier Peak even showed itself for a whole 2 minutes before vanishing!

Behold the mighty Clark Mountain

The ridge

Meadows for days

Whittier Peak

My favorite wildflower
Enjoy your vacation! Your photos are always amazing, I have to pinch myself every time your post some.
thank you! To be fair the mountains do all the work I just aim in the general direction and shoot lol
Breathtaking views! Great share! Too bad about your water filter, but I look forward to your next visit and trip report.