Pewits Nest Slot Canyon, Wisconsin


Adventure Guru
Jan 20, 2012
I'm just getting around to doing an update from a trip earlier this summer, but thought a short trip report would add a bit for @Opi and the other Wisconsin BCPers!

I'm a fan of slot canyons, wherever they may be, so when I planned our trip to Wisconsin, I put Pewits Nest on the list. We arrived on a Monday evening and took the last spot in the parking lot. The parking area is big enough for only about a dozen cars, and judging from how full it was on an off time, and from all of the "No Parking" signs along the road, it's a popular place to visit on evenings and summer weekends. I'm glad we visited early in the week and avoided the zoo that it must be on weekends. We parked, then walked not even a quarter mile south to Skillet Creek. Just before the creek, the trail starts to branch and braid, so we picked one and shortly thereafter were dipping our toes in the water at the end of the gorge.

The slot canyon doesn't get too narrow, but does have several waterfalls in it, with amazing swimming pools throughout. A few adventurous souls walk out along narrow ledges above one of the pools before cliff jumping into the water below, even though it is prohibited and you could get ticketed for doing so.

We walked played in the pool below last waterfall, then walked along the top of the gorge up to the beginning of the narrows. We climbed down, then played and splashed in Skillet Creek and walked along the top of some of the waterfalls. It's a beautiful spot! We splashed and played and had a great time until we started getting hungry. We should have brought a picnic with us, but went in to Baraboo for dinner.
That's a beautiful area of Wisconsin. A lot of other neat spots like that in the area. One of these years I'll get to that part of the State and do some exploring. It's all day hiking in that area and really no opportunity for backpacking. But I just got to remember the picnic basket when I go. :hungry: