Perry Canyon Snowshoeing


Apr 27, 2016
We wanted to get out snowshoeing this weekend but didn't feel like driving that far. I was trying to come up with some place close. I thought of going up to the Golden Spike and snowshoeing along the driving routes but that didn't seem all that interesting. I then remembered the area I went trail running this spring and figured what the heck we would give it a shot. The first .6 miles was pretty packed down from walkers and people riding fat bikes. Then for another .15 miles or so it was all churned up because we hit the road section that was all tore
ATVs. After that we hit unbroken snow but still on the dirt road sections.

Once we hit that section I started noticing deer, rabbit, and mouse tracks. Then I noticed some turkey tracks. When I pointed those out to my wife she was ready to turn around. For those of you that might have read my running reports this spring we were chased by turkey's on this route. We then heard some turkeys and noticed a large flock of younger turkeys as well as a few older ones.

We watched them for a while and then continued onto the trail until we hit single track. This is where the trail got a bit interesting. The angle of the slope made it slow to get a good trail set in. After about 1.5 miles total we decided to turn around because we could see the snow storm moving in. We have plans to go back and try to make it in farther up the single track or perhaps go up some of the closed wilderness management area roads.

Total was right at 3 miles with 669 feet of elevation gain.

Below are some pictures.
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