Part 1. BMT - Death Hollow - Escalante River


May 3, 2013
April 28th-May 1, 4 days 3 nights. This is one of my favorite places in the west, I've done this trip 4 times and this was my 5th. Started at the Boulder Airstrip, hiked into Sand Creek and took a nice long break exploring down canyon a bit. Up and over the saddle, and into Death Hollow. Those views...I love seeing first-timers expressions when you finally get to look down into that stunning canyon. We camped in the big Ponderosa Pine campsite for 2 nights where the BMT enters Death Hollow. Didn't see anyone until the 3rd day hiking out to the river in the big alcove camp, which was taken unfortunately.
The hogback ridge at camp is a great place to sit and watch the sunset and star show, or in our case an almost full moon lighting up the canyon. Magic. And those canyon could I forget that beautiful song? Easy to take for granted when you spend a lot of time down here, but it hit me like it was my first time.
We did a side trip to Mamie Creek, had low water in the narrows for an easy hike, and plenty of peace and quiet. Final camp was on the Escalante across from the confluence of DH. Out on Friday taking our time enjoying the arch, granaries and wading through the cold, clear river. Cold beer, a swanky lodge and the best food around awaits in Boulder.

My friends Ashley and Allen had dabbled a bit around the Moab area before, but this was new country. Ashley had just run the Boston Marathon a week before, and this was her "cool down" trip. Badass. Ali had never even been in Utah. Needless to say, the landscapes out there blew their minds. They can't wait for the next trip, although they will probably leave the pup at home...Max the city slicker cattle dog can run 4-5 miles a day but the desert kicked his butt. Then again he had his own bed at the Lodge in Boulder, so he can't really complain.


The slickrock part of the BMT begins. Off to Sand Creek...


Small pictograph panel in Sand Creek


Sand Creek


Out of Sand Creek


Telegraph wire from 1910 still intact


Down into Death Hollow


What a view!




We camped among the Pondos at the bottom


Pondo camp. And a dingo.


Death Hollow in the morning light



Out of Death Hollow on the BMT


I always find treasure in Mamie Creek


Back down into DH


Oh yeah


Moonlit canyon. I think the bright star is Jupiter


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What was your mileage for the four days? Any tough spots getting in our out? I'm just learning all
these Utah desert gems. Thanks for the TR.
Its about 5 miles from the airstrip to Death Hollow on the Boulder Mail Trail. Another 7 or so to the Escalante River, and 5 more to the Hwy 12 bridge. We added a 4-5 mile day hike to Mamie Creek. I used to do this in 3 days/2 nights but if the conditions are good 4 days is much more enjoyable. Water levels would be the only issue in there, its always been pretty low in my experience. Poison ivy is everywhere but its avoidable in most places. Small price to pay for paradise. Hiking is relatively easy. Rock, sand, water. The descent into DH may freak some people out but its wide enough...just lean right :)
Thanks for the great report! Never new of the rock art. We met you on the lawn of the Boulder Mtn Lodge after a post-trip breakfast. We were the ones that came from a trip lower down on the Escalante. I just posted the trip report. Fun talking with you.
Ha! Too cool. Your 53 mile epic is inspiring. Already planning next years adventures down there...
Its about 5 miles from the airstrip to Death Hollow on the Boulder Mail Trail. Another 7 or so to the Escalante River, and 5 more to the Hwy 12 bridge. We added a 4-5 mile day hike to Mamie Creek. I used to do this in 3 days/2 nights but if the conditions are good 4 days is much more enjoyable. Water levels would be the only issue in there, its always been pretty low in my experience. Poison ivy is everywhere but its avoidable in most places. Small price to pay for paradise. Hiking is relatively easy. Rock, sand, water. The descent into DH may freak some people out but its wide enough...just lean right :)

Hi! I am planning to do the backpack trail from Boulder, UT to death hollows to escalante staircase in a couple weeks (May 20th)... I have an 80 pound long-hair german shepherd. He loves to hike but I am worried about him having to swim long portions or any rock scaling that we might run into. Do you have any advice or information that will help me best prepare? Thanks!
@Mackenzie Morris no long swims, in fact I've never had to go more than waist deep. You can avoid most of the deep stuff.
Your pup will love it, very dog friendly.