Gear Review Pad Inflator


Jun 16, 2012
Alright, I know some of you are going to make fun of me for buying this, but I think it's a nice addition to my lazy-man gear.

It's called a Microburst, and it's a very small fan that can inflate your sleeping pad. It only weighs 2.3 ounces with batteries, so the weight is negligible. I started trying to find other solutions after my Big Agnes Pumphouse started taking 20 minutes or more to inflate a pad. I think it must have gotten some pin-hole leaks in it or the fabric failed, but it just wasn't working.

I used the Microburst this weekend on the trail, and it was nice. It has a little rubber nozzle, so I just attached the nozzle to the pad valve and went about my camp chores. Within about 4 or 5 minutes, the fan had inflated the pad as much as it could, and it only took two breaths from me to get the pad where I wanted it. The firmness from the fan may have been enough for some people, but I like my pads firm.

This was much nicer and easier than having to inflate the pad by blowing in it (which also puts a lot of moisture into the pad), and it was much faster and easier than using the old Pumphouse.

Anyway, start making fun of me for being lazy! But this thing is small, light, and it I can take the ribbing!
Hey, my total pack weight this weekend, including food and water, was only 24 pounds...I don't carry THAT much junk!

And I'll inflate your pad for you...but you should just want to backpack with me because I'm cool and funny :)
That sounds nice. Usually by the time I've blown up my BA pad my cheeks hurt and I'm light headed, I thought that was part of the fun. I don't have to carry it so you can use whatever you want. A friend of mine uses one as well, and I also make fun of him.
Aldaron, you crack me up! Everything about you is funny. Even your screen name. Keep it coming. :twothumbs: (BTW you don't really carry that thing backpacking, do you?)
The inflator was her request. Her camp chore is inflating the pads while I get water and cook dinner. It had gotten to where it was taking more than 30 minutes to inflate the pads with the Pumphouse, so she asked if I could find something better. She was ecstatic when I gave this to her...and she was happy to carry the extra 2 ounces :)
I asked her last week what she was doing in the tent for so long while I cooked dinner since she had the inflator. Her sheepish answer: reading.
I asked her last week what she was doing in the tent for so long while I cooked dinner since she had the inflator. Her sheepish answer: reading.

The best part about this is that you and your wife go together! I've said before that happy feet and a good night sleep are the keys to backcountry bliss....Let me add the rule that goes before all rules, keep the wife happy and the rest will be just fine.

Now that all the details are out there, I would buy one too if my wife requested. Happy trails
I do have a great one. That really hit home when she bravely dragged herself (with a little help from me :) ) down off that mountain in New Zealand after badly injuring her ankle...without any complaints.

So I try to keep her enjoying it as much as I can.
I do have a great one. That really hit home when she bravely dragged herself (with a little help from me :) ) down off that mountain in New Zealand after badly injuring her ankle...without any complaints.

So I try to keep her enjoying it as much as I can.
That's awesome. She sounds a lot like my wife. Her heels split open on day four of our two week JMT trek. She never complained. Fortunately for her (and me as we were going to bail at the half way point because her feet hurt her so bad, but she didn't complain) the was a donated pair of shoes, in her size, at the Muir Trail Ranch. Miracle shoes. She basically lead the rest of the way.
It's perfect when your spouse is not only willing to go and adventure, but wanting to go and adventure.
Salud, amigo
I have an Exped synmat Ul7 and use the Exped Pillow Pump to inflate it. I'm done in 1/2 the time it takes my buddies to inflate their pads, I'm not out of breath when done, and there is no exhaled moisture gumming up the inside.

If the microburst fit the Exped nozzle I probably would have bought that instead.

We've done a few high altitude nights (10k'+) and I appreciate not having to inflate my pad after a long day climbing even more. So, no criticism here. Enjoy!
I have an Exped...let me see if it fits. I also read that it didn't fit, but I wonder if that wasn't an older model. I'll try it.
It fit my Downmat 7 and inflated it. The rubber nozzle can be pulled over the bigger Exped valve. I think it may be a newer model.
I picked one up before my trip last weekend to death hollow. they are great to have. Definitely something you can just set on your pad and let it do its work while you get other things prepared. Everyone in my group used it and loved it. It is literally smaller than the palm of your hand and takes up no space and no weight you can't even feel it while holding it).

The one thing you want to be sure to avoid is that it's on a clean surface while it works. Mine sucked in some sand and stopped working. I just had to blow through it to get the sand cleared and it started working again. I had it on a tarp, but it was a little close to the edge of the tarp and got little bit of sand.