One place for the rest of your life


Mar 1, 2012
Yesterday morning my brother and I headed up to Alexander Lake in the Uintas to escape the heat and and spend a few hours on the lake catching a few for the evening BBQ. It was a gorgeous day and on the way back we started talking about how lucky we are to live so close to so many options. We can be skiing or hiking 30 minutes from our door in the Wasatch Range, 90 minutes to high alpine backpakcing in the Uintas, and 3-6 hours to some amazing Canyon Country. Not to mention the scores of other options nearby.

But what if you had to choose one area to do all of your outdoor recreating for the rest of your life? Where would you choose? Uintas? Escalante? Cedar Mesa? Somewhere out of state?

If I had to choose, I think I would probably take the Wasatch Range. The Uintas are probably my favorite place to spend a week, but the limited amout of time per year up there would sway me away from it.

So where would you choose?
I would go with the Kanab area, and that's after living here since I was 4....