Northfork to Second Lake Eastern Sierra Nevada Mountains


Jul 12, 2018
A little late with this trip report (Cant log in with facebook anymore here...) anywho me and my buddy attempted an early trip in may to get to the Palisades Glacier. There was an impending snowstorm coming but we decided to go up anyway. We ended up staying one night and turning around because conditions were a little too snowy for us to conduct the final approach to the glacier.


The hike up was beautiful and not snow at all. It was only a 7 or 8-mile hike to second lake which was all frozen over.


As we got to second lake it was starting to snow and we set up my HMG tarp to spend the night.


In the morning when we woke up the landscape almost completely changed to a magical white!


The conditions were getting worse as we packed up camp so we decided not to hike up to the glacier. This is what it looked like outside when we were all finished packing up camp:


Despite the trip getting cut short and not making it to our originally planned destination, it was still amazing! If you want to long version and more pictures you can read the rest on my blog Seek Adventure. If you have any questions etc. I will be of course hanging around this forum and this post!
Holy bejebus...
Thanks for sharing. Lovely photos! Glad you didn't freeze. :)