North Platte & Upper Green River


The mountains are calling and I must go
Mar 31, 2013
I had decided on the Upper Missouri for my float trip this year, but
when I looked at travel time, time to set up shuttles and length of
river I just couldn't fit into the time available. So I'm looking again.

Now, I'm weighing the North Platte from Bennett Peak (CO) which is
just after the North gate canyon white water to Seminoe Reservoir (WY)
as well as the Green River from Green River Lakes (WY) to Pinedale (WY).

Maybe even the Snake from Jackson Lake to West Table or the Snake
from Pallisades Reservoir to Lorenzo.

Does anyone have experience floating these?

In doing all this research for float trips I'm gaining a real appreciation for
how few wild rivers there are any more and the impact the growing
population in the mountain west is having on rivers.

Any advice is greatly appreciated.