New Feature for Supporting Members: Private Trip Planning


Aug 9, 2007
Isn't it fun wading through countless email threads with your group trying to work out details of a planned trip? Or trying to use something like a private Facebook event but not everyone uses Facebook? We are trying out a new feature for BCP Supporting Members to make that all easier. We have a new section of BCP called Private Trip Planning. Supporting members can request their own sub-forum for a specific trip where only the people they choose can have access. Only the initiating member of the sub-forum needs to be a supporting member. Those you choose to have access do not need to be supporters. If they aren't a member of BCP, just have them sign up for a free account and they can be added as well.

To start a Private Trip Planning sub-forum, just send me a message and let me know what you'd like it to be called and the usernames of members you would like to have access. To add or remove members later, just send me a message and let me know.

The Private Trip Planning section is located at the bottom of the home page:


When you click into that, members will only see the trips that they have been given access to. This is how it looks for me and the trips I'm planning in there right now:


Within your private sub-forum, you can add as many different threads as you like, or just keep it all in one thread. For more complex trips, it can be nice to break it into different threads to make it easier to find things. Like this:


Everything works exactly like it does elsewhere on Backcountry Post, including notifications and posts showing up in the latest posts and sidebar. Easy, right?

This is a beta feature (or maybe alpha) and may improve and change over time. We may also decide it's not worthwhile and discontinue it. Please note that site admins (pretty much just me) will potentially be able to view the content of private trip planning threads. Site moderators will not have access to individual planning sub-forums unless you request they be added.