Musings from a solo backpack


Jun 16, 2012
A few weeks ago I took a solo overnighter to Robber's Roost Canyon down by the Dirty Devil. It seems that I don't get out often enough by myself, so I enjoyed the alone time and the opportunity to get lost in my own thoughts.

Of course, those thoughts ended up in some weird places sometimes, so I thought I would post some of my random musings from my trip.

1. If there's anything I know about rocks, it's that they don't stack themselves.

2. One cairn does not a trail make.

3. I miss my sole.

I got my boots resoled with a different tread pattern, and now I find it hard to "track" myself.

4. I'd give up steaks tomorrow if it meant no more cows in the backcountry.

5. Yes, it's a nice sagebrush flavor, but I think I'll add some Gatorade powder.

6. Oh, now I see why they make tent pole repair sleeves.

7. Is it weird that I'm thinking of things to post on BCP while backpacking?

8. Why does it always take longer to hike in than it does to hike out?

9. No, seriously, I can't stand cows in the backcountry. Is that selfish?

10. I wonder how long I could stay out by myself before it got old?

It was only an overnighter, so I didn't think about THAT much :) Anyone else enjoy the alone time and have any funny thoughts to share from a solo trip?
My musings are not very witty. I tend to talk and sometimes sing to myself, which isn't really as weird as it sounds.
I'm just happy if I can avoid getting the last song I heard in the car stuck in my head.
I just make sure the last song I hear in the car is one I WANT stuck in my head. I don't always pull it off though...

Sometimes I have to resort to pulling out my phone and playing a song for a couple of minutes to drive out the offending song. That usually works.
You don't know pain until you've done the entire hike back from Dead Horse Lake through the rain with this in your head:

Yes, it happened. How I didn't just impale myself along the way... I'm still not sure.
1. If there's anything I know about rocks, it's that they don't stack themselves.

2. One cairn does not a trail make.
I will admit I have been guilty of creating a single cairn once in a while. It is usually to mark a spot on return that might be a bit tricky or at a junction. I guess I should have dismantled them on return. Bad boy!
Who's in charge of the cairns anyway?
I think I'll keep adding thoughts to this that I have while know, because I'm weird like that. Feel free to add your own!

Happiness is getting the tent up before the storm hits.

Cows: bad. Bison: good. Go figure.
Some times I whisper "om mani padme hum" to myself, I am not Buddhist but it gets rid of everything else in my brain, and helps me concentrate on the trail, the view etc.