Moon Lake to Center Park Trailhead Info


The mountains are calling and I must go
Mar 31, 2013
I'm planning a big loop through the Uintas this summer starting and ending at Moon Lake

I'm wondering if anyone has experience hiking the Fish Creek Trail heading north east from
Moon Lake to Center Park Trailhead.

I'm trying to determine if there are any reliable water sources between the two locations.

Your experience is greatly appreciated.
Hey Doc, sorry I have never done anything up over Lake Fork Mountain... It does look like a pretty dry stretch up and over to Fish Creek.

It seems too that the trail over the top avoids the two drainages that might have some water and the couple of small ponds that I see in those two minor NW basins. Snow melt would obviously be one of the best chances for water, just depends on when you are heading through there.

It would be nice to have some more intel on what you think of the return part of the loop down Brown Duck. That area I have heard conflicting reports of beautiful Uinta bliss and trashy horsepacker nightmare. Several of the basins like Tworoose, Rudolph, Cleveland Peak, and some of the "X-#" lakes have long been on my list.
Thanks for the reply.

The maps make it look like there is no water from Moon Lake until Swasey, which is about 10 miles.

I played around with the idea of starting at Center Park TH, but finally decided on carrying enough water to get me to Swasey.

So if anyone knows of any springs I’d appreciate the insights but it looks like I’ll just have to carry.

Thanks again!