Moab/Canyonlands/Arches Feburary 2012


Jan 18, 2012
It was time to get away from the daily hustle and head down to Moab where it was 5-10 degrees warmer and a whole lot sunnier. Our plan was to head down early Saturday morning but I got really sick the day before and was hoping I'd sleep it off, but to my dismay, I was not able to get up early Saturday, so we didn't leave our house until 10am. Bill and April had left earlier, but due to some bad luck with Bill's sister's truck (flat tire) we only ended up an hour behind them.

This would be our first long trip with our newborn Waylon (4 months) and his first hikes. The drive down was not too bad. We had to stop a few times for some feedings, but for the most part he was a pretty good traveler.

On our way down we headed immediately to Canyonlands NP at Island in the Sky and drove to the trailhead for the somewhat secretive "False Kiva" trail. Bill gave me great directions over the phone on how to find it and said they would be hanging out there. We immediately headed out on the trail.

We ran into Bill and April as we came close to the approach. They were going to move on and see Upheaval dome and meet us at Mesa Arch while we checked out False Kiva.

Sunburst along the trail

Caiden taking a mini-break

False Kiva

At False Kiva there was an Englishman hanging out there waiting for the perfect picture. He said he had been there 39 times trying to find the right one. He was an awesome guy and I REALLY wished I had gotten his name/photo site. He spends about 6 months at a time in the states taking pictures, then working the other 6 months on a yatch. After hanging out about 20 minutes or so, we headed back to meet up with everyone else.

Alene and Waylon

Me and Caiden

Selfie along the trail

After False Kiva we drove over to Mesa Arch. It was my first time there and it made me VERY nervous with the young kids around. I could not believe how much of a sheer drop it was below the arch. The Arch itself was amazing how it shot right out of the cliff.

Picture of the canyon below from on top of Mesa Arch

After that we booked it over to the Green River viewpoint to catch some sunset. I loved seeing the white rim trail below and thought about how fun it would be to bike that someday (a guy can dream)


Sunset with a different lens

After that it got really dark and we headed to our Hotel in Moab for the night.

The next morning Bill, Mark (along with his girlfriend Britnee), and I got up really early and drove back to Island in the Sky to catch the sunrise at Mesa Arch. It was a dud, but we had a lot of fun. Our Englishman friend was sleeping at the trailhead and hiked along with us to set up for pictures. We had a good time just chatting.

Waiting for sunrise

Non-sunrise. View was still spectacular as usual

We then headed back to the hotel to get the rest of our families and headed over to Arches. Weather was looking a bit sketchy, so we headed over to Devils Garden hoping the area would shield us a bit from the wind.

Landscape Arch

Hanging out at Navajo Arch for a break

Navajo Arch

I carried li'l Waylon back to the car while he slept

Little sleeper

After grabbing some lunch, we dropped Alene and April off in the campground and let them do the short hike through broken arch over to Sand Dune arch to meet us with the kids. We let the kids hang out and play, but it became very windy, so we headed back to the cars to wait.



After the mom's arrived it started to pour rain, so we headed back to the hotel for a bit. Once it let up Bill, his sister Whitney, and I headed back up to Arches looking for a sunset. It lasted all of about 15 seconds. I can't really decide which picture I liked best, so I'm posting two of each.

View from the Windows

View from the Windows with Turret Arch

We headed back to the hotel, got cleaned up and our family headed to the Moab Brewery. I had a mountain full of nachos that I barely made a dent in and the family returned stuffed.

The next morning we headed up the Potash road over to the Corona Arch trailhead to do that hike.

Heading up the trail

The view from the top of the trail before you hit the train tracks (looking back at the Colorado River)

The train track crossing

Kids on the trail

Getting closer (you can see Corona arch)

Climbing up the ladder (this was Bailey's favorite part and she demanded no help)

Bowtie arch (literally right next to Corona Arch)

Corona Arch - This arch was MASSIVE

Coming back down the trail

Mommies with the babies

Corona arch was actually a lot of fun. Very scenic and short and something I'd definitely come back to see.

It was really nice to get away and be in an environment we all love. We can't wait to do it again.
Awesome trip report. I rather enjoy the unique post processing you do. And I'm really impressed with all the hiking with a 4 month old. I don't have kids but it seems like a lot of people shut down for a few years and don't do anything like this. Very cool. :cool:
Awesome trip report. I rather enjoy the unique post processing you do. And I'm really impressed with all the hiking with a 4 month old. I don't have kids but it seems like a lot of people shut down for a few years and don't do anything like this. Very cool. :cool:

Wish I could say I do any sort of post, sadly all my photos are taken with the most expensive camera I own (iphone). The ones that look like they might have any sort of post are done with my Hipstamatic app, which I just choose the type of film and the specialty lens I want and it does all the processing itself. I don't have to edit any of them, so it's really a crap shoot about how they're going to turn out (as I'm sure it is with any photo).

Can't wait to meet up with you and Bill on a trip someday. It's gotta happen soon enough.
Wish I could say I do any sort of post, sadly all my photos are taken with the most expensive camera I own (iphone). The ones that look like they might have any sort of post are done with my Hipstamatic app, which I just choose the type of film and the specialty lens I want and it does all the processing itself. I don't have to edit any of them, so it's really a crap shoot about how they're going to turn out (as I'm sure it is with any photo).

Can't wait to meet up with you and Bill on a trip someday. It's gotta happen soon enough.

Hipstamatic is pretty cool then! And yes, I believe a burritoff is still in order! :D
what a great trip report :twothumbs:
I really enjoy reading about people doing all the fun stuff with their kids, it shows that you basically can do most things and a lot of hiking and also camping.
False Kiva is on my bucket list this June and I would love to see it by myself. It looks like a really impressing place.
what a great trip report :twothumbs:
I really enjoy reading about people doing all the fun stuff with their kids, it shows that you basically can do most things and a lot of hiking and also camping.
False Kiva is on my bucket list this June and I would love to see it by myself. It looks like a really impressing place.

Thanks. Kids (especially the 8 and under crowd) definitely limit you on what you can do, but we know we're building memories that are going to last and the more we do it, the more they'll get used to it. It is nice to occasionally have a kid-free trip where you can get a lot more done from time to time.

You'll love False Kiva. I'm excited for you to be able to get out there.
Thanks. Kids (especially the 8 and under crowd) definitely limit you on what you can do, but we know we're building memories that are going to last and the more we do it, the more they'll get used to it. It is nice to occasionally have a kid-free trip where you can get a lot more done from time to time.

You'll love False Kiva. I'm excited for you to be able to get out there.

It's so important for kids to have all those opportunities. I have friends and they traveled with their son since he was born. And he really loves it.
I'm not having kids, but I would take them to all my trips, there is no reason not to do so.

And False Kiva, I have no exact description where it is, but I have a really good idea where to look for it. :)
Hi Tyler,

It's nice to do all that hiking with your kids, it is fun and it will make good memories for all the family !

The English man that you met at False Kilva is Andrew (Andy) Waddington and you can have a look at his very nice pictures here.
Hi Tyler,

It's nice to do all that hiking with your kids, it is fun and it will make good memories for all the family !

The English man that you met at False Kilva is Andrew (Andy) Waddington and you can have a look at his very nice pictures here.


Phillippe Im so glad you posted that!
That guy was awesome and we ran into a few times during out trip.
Hi Tyler,

It's nice to do all that hiking with your kids, it is fun and it will make good memories for all the family !

The English man that you met at False Kilva is Andrew (Andy) Waddington and you can have a look at his very nice pictures here.


Yeah, thanks for posting that Phillipe. I think it's pretty amazing that you'd know who I was talking about, but thats definitely him.
Yeah, thanks for posting that Phillipe. I think it's pretty amazing that you'd know who I was talking about, but thats definitely him.

I've chatted with him a bit today and he says hes going to join up here soon.
Thanks again Phillipe.
Yeah, thanks for posting that Phillipe. I think it's pretty amazing that you'd know who I was talking about, but thats definitely him.

As a huge fan of the Southwest, I own a private satellite with a mega precise resolution camera and an ultra powerful microphone that is focused on Utah's wilderness and records everything. Thus, it was easy for me to recognize your family doing this hike and talking with that guy, then to do some research on a worldwide database managed by a secret Agency to know who he is. ;)
As a huge fan of the Southwest, I own a private satellite with a mega precise resolution camera and an ultra powerful microphone that is focused on Utah's wilderness and records everything. Thus, it was easy for me to recognize your family doing this hike and talking with that guy, then to do some research on a worldwide database managed by a secret Agency to know who he is. ;)

Yeah, I should have figured :). Thanks again.
As a huge fan of the Southwest, I own a private satellite with a mega precise resolution camera and an ultra powerful microphone that is focused on Utah's wilderness and records everything. Thus, it was easy for me to recognize your family doing this hike and talking with that guy, then to do some research on a worldwide database managed by a secret Agency to know who he is. ;)

Well now you have my attention.
So really, how did you know?
My gut tells me you heard a tale of some guys draggin' their kids all over canyonlands in the winter.. damn tourist :D
Hi Tyler,

It's nice to do all that hiking with your kids, it is fun and it will make good memories for all the family !

The English man that you met at False Kilva is Andrew (Andy) Waddington and you can have a look at his very nice pictures here.
Wow, I just spent the last 45 minutes feeling like I was in a dreamland while looking through his stuff. Thanks for posting!