Looking for non-petroleum gear options

Elli Morris

New Member
Mar 30, 2018
Does anyone have suggestions for where to purchase small containers made out of hemp? I have homemade body products and need to carry just small amounts but don't want to put them metal for weight nor plastic because I avoid it like the plague! How about suggestions for camp shoes that aren't made of petroleum but still do OK in the rain? Any suggestions for other petroleum-free camping products you love would be much appreciated! Doing my best to be a full-circle camper, using gear that doesn't pollute when produced nor when used.

Also would really appreciate suggestions on ways to get the word out about a Wilderness Volunteer trail work trip in Alaska that still has space. It's in Kenai National Wildlife Refuge, week of July 22-18.

Ciao ciao,
I am with all due respect a bit confused. Is there a health concern with petroleum based plastic or is this an aspect of environmental conscience?
It's environmental: I take the full-circle approach. I don't want what I use to have been a source of pollution when created just the same as I won't throw trash and pollute when I am out on the trail. Therefore, I buy organic and Earth-first as much as possible. Fortunately, it's getting so much easier! Lots more companies take the same approach but I'm having a hard time finding little lightweight non-petroleum bottles for lotion, shampoo, vitamins, etc.
Apparently you don't see this like I do so please try and understand the respectful confusion on my end. Since you're not gonna make it there on vegetable or hemp oil advocating for people to travel to Alaska for a trail project at the same time is pretty darn in-congruent with that given such a trip will pollute more than thousands of lifetimes worth of container choices, no?
I think it's a fine goal to try to reduce your footprint as much as possible. Polyster fabrics do have the distinction of never breaking down in the environment, so there is definitely some legit reasons for wanting to avoid them. Obviously the solution is cotton, and if cotton scares you as it should in the back country than wool is probably your best bet.