Legislative resolution: Drilling is ‘best use’ for Cedar Mesa and San Rafael Swell


Jan 17, 2012

Grazing and mineral extraction are the "highest and best use" for Cedar Mesa and San Rafael Swell, according to a resolution sailing through the Legislature.

SCR4 is aimed at curbing what lawmakers say are abuses of the Antiquities Act by Democratic presidents. But the bill's language is prompting conservationists to wonder why lawmakers would prefer mining and drilling such cherished landscapes — both candidates for national monument status — over preserving their archaeological sites and geological wonders for future generations.
Both can be accommodated but unfortunately protecting both interests never happens. One side or the other usually prevails to the detriment of the other. :thumbsdown:
Just another reason to oppose the state from taking over any federally controlled lands.

Can you imagine the weeping and wailing if GCNM is created?
I hope Obama doesn't designate that monument, the fury would be intolerable. I would have to leave the state.

That said I am 100% opposed to the state taking control of federal lands.
Sometimes I have to laugh at the state that I call home...otherwise, I would go crazy! Cedar Mesa does need protecting IMO. Especially from oil drills. My guess...I would guessitmate that less than 10% of the state legislature has even been there. With a stroke of the pen, i hope Obama does it. Ahhhh...wait and see...The San Rafael Swell is pretty dang special too. The state taking over would be just downright laughable. Ahhh...wait and see...
They should come drive through Colorado. When I moved to Denver from Ogden, I had to buy a guidebook to find any trails to hike. EVERYTHING is private property. All over the Denver area there are rigs, I literally dive past at least 20 full sized rigs just driving to work in Boulder from the East. If you go over the west side of the state like Rifle and Grand Junction there are even more rigs.

Unfortunately, it appears we as humans won't be happy until we have exploited every inch of the earth.
Both can be accommodated but unfortunately protecting both interests never happens. One side or the other usually prevails to the detriment of the other. :thumbsdown:

Do you really believe that gas wells, oil wells and livestock can "be accommodated" along with a wilderness quality experience on Cedar Mesa?
Come on, Greg. Haven't you seen the network of roads and drilling platforms that come with this stuff? If they just opened them up it would be like having 5,000 trailheads and car camp sites to choose from! Dual usage!!! </sarcasm>

Come on, Greg. Haven't you seen the network of roads and drilling platforms that come with this stuff? If they just opened them up it would be like having 5,000 trailheads and car camp sites to choose from! Dual usage!!! </sarcasm>

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That would sure make point to point's real easy.
Blah, it is to bad the Great Year takes so long to cycle. By the time we get out of these dark ages and back into advanced society there might be nothing left. It defiantly is a tough situation with no easy answers.

In my humble opinion, we should not do anymore exploration for resources. We have enough now to keep us going until we can open our minds to alternative kinds of fuel and put real research into it.

Who knew the state was so flush with cash that we can throw another $500,000 towards this Quixotic attempt to take over federal lands? Not to get too political here, but these legislators are morons. 2.25% of the $100 MM in royalties is all that goes to schools, but we need to control the land for the children??? This is probably worse than the $250,000 used to study whether there are wolves in Utah.

How about you worry about the air my kids have to breathe and helping my kids have wilderness to experience in the future?

Not to get too political here, but these legislators are morons.

Isn't it safe to say that 99.9% of all politicians are morons?

In my humble opinion, we should not do anymore exploration for resources. We have enough now to keep us going until we can open our minds to alternative kinds of fuel and put real research into it.

Don't forget that hydrocarbons aren't just used for fuel. A quarter of the petroleum consumption in the US is in the form of raw ingredients for various manufactured products. Switching completely over to alternative fuel/energy sources wouldn't completely remove the need for petroleum exploration unless some alternative ingredients were also found.
piper01, you are 100% accurate when you mention how much petroleum is used to create plastic. Unfortunately we have decided to use a product (plastic) that lasts forever to package all of our single use items. It's a nonsensical approach to the long term well being of our planet. But even with the use of plastic showing 0 signs of slowing down, it doesn't mean we give in to extraction anywhere and everywhere.

Human nature is such that we really don't care about long term solutions. We for the most part care about what is easiest and cheapest today, and that goes far beyond environmental protection. I mean my God we have tv shows called "My 600 lb. Life"! It's just easier to eat pick up a Big Mac meal for $5 than to cook a decent meal. And it's a lot easier to exploit the environment than it is to preserve it and find alternative methods of living the lifestyles we all enjoy. But where does that put is 10, 20 or 50 years?