I Can't Believe We Just Did That

Wow that was truly inspirational. I'm not trying to be disrespectful or make a joke about this or anything, but the grandfathers comments when they made it to the bottom about being "really tired" and "being harder than he thought it would be" had me scratching my head a little. Amazing story though.
Wow that was truly inspirational. I'm not trying to be disrespectful or make a joke about this or anything, but the grandfathers comments when they made it to the bottom about being "really tired" and "being harder than he thought it would be" had me scratching my head a little. Amazing story though.

At that age I would imagine that all the bouncing beat him up pretty bad and wore him out. When we go offroading in Moab we'll be worn out and tired after a day or two of hitting rough trails and we have suspension under our vehicles and large tires to soak up a lot of the jolting. Your neck, shoulders, core, etc will all be sore and knotted up.

Very inspiring video. Thanks for posting it!
That makes sense. I can see how all of that jarring and tensing of the muscles for prolonged periods could wear you out.