Hikes Along The Wasatch Front

Mar 3, 2014
My wife and I try and do a new hike every weekend or at least every other weekend. I am looking for suggestions where we can take our dogs off leash and that there is water for them to cool off in. Anywhere within 30 minutes driving distance from Salt Lake. Any suggestions?

Also, I have been really wanting to find a place where you can do a little swimming and cliff jumping. Water is always refreshing on a hot summer day but haven't really found a hike that has enough. Thanks in advance.
While I'm not familiar with every body of water within 30 minutes of Salt Lake, I would say most places that would meet this request are lakes in the Salt Lake watersheds where dogs and swimming are strictly prohibited... Though I did see a group jumping off some rocks into Lake Mary a few weeks back. :confused:

You may have to make a visit to places like Wall Lake, Island Lake, etc in the western Uintas, or some of the smaller backcountry reservoirs, all well over a half hour away from Salt Lake, to get to what you're looking for.

I'll be keen to see if someone does know of a place that fits your request.

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I second Causey, fun cliff jumping off of skull crack and some excellent camping. Before I left Utah we would canoe back into some great camping spots every summer. Also lots of good hiking around there.