High Spur Question


Jun 16, 2012
I'm thinking about doing High Spur in a couple of weeks, but I'm concerned about the time needed to do the canyon. I've read that the canyon can take 5-7 hours. Is that about right? I'm thinking that if I start no later than 10 am I should be fine, but if that's cutting it close, then I'll camp at the trailhead to get an earlier start.

Personally, when it comes to pretty much any canyon, I'd opt for the early start, even if it means driving down in the dark to camp at the trailhead. I find the actual time it takes to complete a canyon varies a lot depending on the group, conditions, etc. and I would much rather be inconvenienced before the hike starts than during the descent like finding an exit crack in the dark, especially with short November days.

Another thing to consider, recent reports show that High Spur is holding a bit of water. Might not be the best choice for a late Nov or early December canyon. We were going to do it this weekend but opted for drier alternatives.
I was thinking the same thing about the early start as I was writing the question!

I read Udink's trip report from last month...have you heard anything else about the water?

Where did you go this weekend? I've got a friend coming out who recently moved to Colorado, and I want to show him a canyon or two that will inspire him to do these canyons with me regularly! Any other suggestions? I had thought about Baptist, but I couldn't find a second one nearby that I wanted to do.

We did Larry Canyon on Saturday and Lost Spring Canyon today. Larry was outstanding with almost no water and way better than I expected. Highly recommended. We got our feet wet in a couple spots but that was it. It's a bit long though, especially without a shuttle between the entrance and exit (4+ miles of dirt road walking). Lost Spring was great, especially for a shorter canyon to do before driving home, but it has some issues that make it a bit more challenging.

I've heard Baptist is one to avoid in the winter but haven't done it myself. If you did do Baptist, Southern Baptist is a fun one you could add on. Just beware, AJ Road Trips lists Southern Baptist as a 3-5 hour canyon but it took us 7.5 moving at a reasonably brisk pace. I think he may have written the beta long after doing it and just forgotten or something. We did it in September and had a blast. If you need any beta on any of these canyons, let me know.
It seems like the stuff I've read saying to avoid Baptist in the winter is when going down Chute, but it seems like I've heard more positive things about going up Chute. Does that sound right?

How long did Larry take?
From what I've read, depending on conditions you should be prepared to go down it if going up is not possible. It's also a very large drainage so tends to hold water/snow/mud longer than most.

I don't remember exactly how long Larry took. I'm thinking right around 8 hours but perhaps some of the other guys remember more accurately. We scored a ride for about 1 mile of the 4+ mile slog back though.
I need new canyoneering friends. My buddy has already backed out on this trip for next weekend. Thanks for the tips, but I guess I'll go play in the snow in the Uintas, instead.
Dang! I'd be all over it if I wasn't recovering from knee surgery. I think I'll be out of the canyons until spring. :(
We'll take a rain check on it! The canyons aren't going anywhere!

And take it easy so you can heal up nicely :)