Grandeur Peak - West Slope Route - September 3, 2018


Dec 23, 2013
Well, I needed to get some hiking in this Labor Day, and I decided to give Grandeur a go from the west side. I also needed a hike that would get me back in time to grill some burgers for the holiday. I haven't hiked up the west slope route in four years and it is a pretty steep trail that will get your heart beating from start to finish.

Info sign at the trailhead that didn't have a lot of info about Grandeur Peak.

Early morning shot of the Dragon's Tail Ridge - My preferred route to the top

Do you know what that building is in the center of the image? That's right, REI! You know what that means don't you?

Steep right off the bat and it doesn't let up

First glimpse of majestic Mount Olympus to the south

The ridge to the left is where I'll be coming down (less steep and not as tough on my left knee while descending)

Another shot of Dragon's Tail to the south

Sunlight hitting Parley's ridge and Parleys Canyon

Yes, REI is still there, using its gravitational pull to try and lure me down. :)

Somebody left their hat along the trail. I think it said, "Make Grandeur Peak Great Again." :eek:

Parleys Ridge and Perkins Peak (high point along the ridge)

Lots of Mountain Mahogany along the trail and you'll get to enjoy them with me.


Even more!

One more?

Last one? Oh, there is that REI again. I'm weakening.

The full view of Mount Olympus

On top at last! @Rockskipper and @LarryBoy, this is the closest I could get to a pineapple.

Mmmm tasty. The people taking my picture thought that I was crazy. :twothumbs: Look at how much I was sweating. It's a good thing this pineapple is so nutritious. :disagree:

Kettlebell - Oops, I mean pineapple

Mount Olympus through the eye of a kettlebell. And for my next trick.........

Two summits (Church Fork Peak and Mount Aire) through the eye of a ordinary kettlebell. I'm rolling now!

More Mount Olympus

A small fire up Millcreek Canyon just south of Elbow Fork

Blue M&M and the original Coke Zero, not the new Coke Zero Sugar crap. It really pissed me off when they made that switch. Maybe I should come out with Scatman Zero. What do you think?

Mountain Dell and Little Dell Reservoirs in the distance

The lone conifer on this side of the mountain

Fooled ya! Another Mountain Mahogany. Psst., if you look closely, you can see the wicked REI.

Lots of dried up Mules Ear along the way

I just love the golden grass on the hillsides

31.jpgThe goods. Well, the black hole REI finally pulled me in. A new dry bag from REI.

Long before Scatman there was Burger Boy!

And no burger is complete without a smooth Porter to wash it down. Yum!

Well, I hope everyone had a nice Labor Day and remember to make Grandeur Peak great again. :cry:
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Pineapple? Looks like a summer squash to me.

As for REI, the force I mean pull is great, even when you can’t see them. I just bought a pair of Black Diamond hiking poles, and I wasn’t going to buy anything for awhile.

And that’s a very stylish dry bag - matches the kilt you and @Artemus were sharing on the Yellowstone trip. :twothumbs: usual, my wife will get sucked into the gravitational pull of that there wicked REI, all the way from the 1-15 as we head south next month on our annual trip to the desert. Always wondered how accessible some of those hillsides above SLC were. Maybe I'll do a short walk up that way, instead of hanging out and whining about finding a camp spot in the Swell before dark...
We tried to go that way up Grandeur one black Friday... funny enough on #optoutside, speaking of REI... but more so my wife could shop and I could burn off turkey. We got a good ways up but then were stiffly and soundly blown back down.

Most of these front range trails seem similar, up and up on loose stuff. Thanks for sharing and the excellent humor. I will have to go back and try this, but maybe not from the west this time.
I always laugh during lunch reading these. My coworkers must think I am as crazy as I am.
Pineapple? Looks like a summer squash to me.

As for REI, the force I mean pull is great, even when you can’t see them. I just bought a pair of Black Diamond hiking poles, and I wasn’t going to buy anything for awhile.

And that’s a very stylish dry bag - matches the kilt you and @Artemus were sharing on the Yellowstone trip. :twothumbs:

I'll say this rockskipper, you know your fruits and vegetables. :)

You needed those hiking poles just like I needed the dry bag. Uh-huh. They only had a green or blue one in that size and since I have the next size down and it is blue, I opted for the green one. God forbid I should have two of the same color. :frantic:

Stephen King needs to write a book about vanishing shoppers at REI. The lure of the display tents - once inside then....... Haha, you'll have to buy the book to see how it ends. Was it the Half Dome 2 Plus, or the Kingdom 6 ? :devil:
We tried to go that way up Grandeur one black Friday... funny enough on #optoutside, speaking of REI... but more so my wife could shop and I could burn off turkey. We got a good ways up but then were stiffly and soundly blown back down.

Most of these front range trails seem similar, up and up on loose stuff. Thanks for sharing and the excellent humor. I will have to go back and try this, but maybe not from the west this time.
I always laugh during lunch reading these. My coworkers must think I am as crazy as I am.

The trails on the west side are very similar. Check out the Dragon Tail Route the next time your wife gets the REI bug.

Us crazies need to stick together. :)
Thanks for taking us along for another @scatman adventure! Fortunately (?) there are no REI stores in upstate NY (except for one in Rochester of all places), so no evil magnetic pull in these parts.
Thanks for the Wednesday Morning laughs.
I can honestly say it was a stop in REI that jumpstarted me getting back into the outdoors. . . I took the Mrs. to a large outdoor mall one weekend and ventured into REI while she went where ever else wives go. I came out with a couple new topo maps, a headlamp, and a desire to start traveling again.

I've managed to resist the REI store since, but there are a couple outdoor outlet stores not far off that took my money.

PS -- Love the crab themed dishes. :)
Thanks for taking us along for another @scatman adventure! Fortunately (?) there are no REI stores in upstate NY (except for one in Rochester of all places), so no evil magnetic pull in these parts.

Lucky or perhaps unlucky you. :)
Thanks for the Wednesday Morning laughs.
I can honestly say it was a stop in REI that jumpstarted me getting back into the outdoors. . . I took the Mrs. to a large outdoor mall one weekend and ventured into REI while she went where ever else wives go. I came out with a couple new topo maps, a headlamp, and a desire to start traveling again.

I've managed to resist the REI store since, but there are a couple outdoor outlet stores not far off that took my money.

PS -- Love the crab themed dishes. :)

You've got incredible will power TractorDoc if you've only been to REI one time. Send some of that power my way if you will.
Lol I also thought it was some sort of squash.
Lovely hike, keychains, dry bag, and burger!