Escalante Area Wanderings: Phipps Arch


Oct 27, 2013
Day 7
I had one more day of hiking planned for my trip: Phipps Arch starting from Spencer Flats Road and descending into Phipps Wash.

I parked alongside the side of the road near where my directions indicated. As I got out of my vehicle to gather my pack, two dogs from a nearby campsite ran up to greet me. They were soon followed by their owner. She and I chatted for a while, then I invited her to join me. She grabbed her stuff and a dog, and we were off!

View of Phipps Arch from the beginning of the hike (just left of center in the dark red sandstone).

We gradually descended the slope via a small wash, rather than taking the more direct but much steeper route down the cliff.

We paused often to admire the details surrounding us. Somewhere out there is half of a Moqui marble that used to fit in this rock.

We saw plants releasing their seeds, in hopes that one would take hold.

We eventually ended up in the main Phipps Wash, stopping to look back at where we had started. IMG_3313_ss.PNG

Once in the main wash, a series of cairns guided us around several dropoffs into the bottom of the canyon.

I admired this multi-color rock outcrop.

View of the outcrop from underneath.

We found a small waterfall.

The vegetation was unexpectedly dense in areas. We had to push our way through several stretches of tamarisks. We came upon one group on their way back without having seen the arch, tired of fighting the trees. They were so close to the goal without knowing it: only half a mile away.

We finally came upon Phipps Arch, mere minutes behind another group that had hiked up from the river route. They did the hard work of finding the initial cairn marking the climb up to the arch; we just had to follow them!

We rested under the arch, enjoying the view.

We had a little time to explore around the arch before we needed to start the hike back. We saw these neat "honeycombs." Maybe one day one of them will erode into an arch too.

Phipps Arch with me for scale!

Looking down into the side canyon connecting with Phipps Wash.

I found this banded sandstone on the hike back. We made it back to our starting point with plenty of light remaining. Our return pace was faster than our outbound pace, since we only stopped a few times to admire something new!

After cooking pasta for dinner the past few nights, I was ready for some protein: time to head into Escalante for a steak dinner at Cowboy Blues. It was quite possibly the best steak I had ever eaten! Then, still hungry from all the hiking I'd been doing, I proceeded to devour a brownie sundae. I returned down Hole in the Rock Road to one of my previous campsites off Harris Wash Road for one more night of looking at the stars.

Day 8
Today was primarily a travel day with no major hikes planned. I had a leisurely morning at camp, paid a quick visit to Devil's Garden, then spent some time visiting this amazing petroglyph panel.

Every person in the circle was a distinct individual.

It was a great end to my trip! I made the drive back to St. George, enjoyed a hot shower and a soft bed at my hotel, then woke up entirely too early to board an airplane and return to my daily life. Until next time, Utah! :wavespin:


P.S. This trip brought to you by Oreo, the unofficial sponsor of my hiking trips.

Why yes, I do think I've earned the entire bag.

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Two things:
1) Did you really catch the Cowboy Blues restaurant open?? We have spent weeks in Escalante over the last 4 years and never once was it open. Apparently the owners don't keep regular hours, they just open when they feel like it (according to another local business owner).
2) Where is that amazing panel? Would love to see it this fall.
Another great TR! Thanks!
Two things:
1) Did you really catch the Cowboy Blues restaurant open?? We have spent weeks in Escalante over the last 4 years and never once was it open. Apparently the owners don't keep regular hours, they just open when they feel like it (according to another local business owner).
2) Where is that amazing panel? Would love to see it this fall.
Another great TR! Thanks!

1) Yes they were! I've been to Escalante twice now (once in late November and once in mid October) and managed to catch them open both times. They were thinking of closing early though during my visit in October since I was the only customer there.
2) I'll send you a PM!