El Dorado Mountains


Mar 10, 2016
One of my favorite areas, I headed in along Forlorn Hope Spring designated road in the Boulder City Conservation Easement to the wall of mountains guarding the shattered lands falling away below towards the Colorado river. Great views and lots of hiking opportunities abound out there. I found a spot to park near my first intended target, UN3081.


Clouds were scattered and wispy, winds were low, temps were moderate, scenery motivating. I love this corner of the Mojave, easy walking and great scenery ! The many, many small to large water courses draining and braiding the flats make the going easy, like walking on pavement with a thin layer of sand thrown on top. Then onto low ridges covered with volcanic basalt and affording fantastic views.



Along the way I came across a small rocky outcrop that had weathered out hollow inside, creating an almost intentionally formed little shelter it seemed.


Then a small band (4) of male Desert Bighorn Sheep.


The final walk up to the summit is easy if a little steep.



After relaxing til I had my fill I headed down again, taking time to get some sun bathing in once out of the wind.


Ahhhhhhh... Direct sunlight on flesh warms a body fast ! And makes good napping conditions. So after some satisfying relaxing there I continued back to the truck, then continued along a designated road out to a scenic overlook south of Forlorn Hope Spring.


Ran into a fellow traveler out there and chatted a bit, enjoyed the lowering sun until wind picked up, then moseyed back home, stopping for strategic sunset pictures along the way until begrudgingly rejoining society again.




Love the Eldos! Hidden gem. Here's a neat loop I did there a couple months ago (after Sloan and Mt Wilson in the trip report.) that I recommend highly:

Sloan Canyon NCA, Mt Wilson Wilderness, Eldorado Wilderness

Flickr pics:
Trip Report:

What sort of vehicle got you out to Forlorn Hope? By chance did you see if the spring has enough water to fill bottles? I would like to someday extend a few night trip across from Bridge Spring parking and then down to the river and back.
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Nice areas you hit there John, been to them all myself. I like the Horse Thief canyon route up Wilson, those calcified falls are really cool.

HC is definitely needed for the Boulder City Conservation Easement rods, but I never had to go 4wd. Did not visit Forlorn Hope, road I took runs west of there but winds up just south of the ridge dividing the two. I did a loop from a jeep road out of Nelson years ago that was very scenic, went down Fenlon Bend Cove canyon (really nice narrows !) and up Lonesome Wash.


Tons of hidden gems here in the Mojave.
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Wow, cool, been wondering about Fenlon and Lower Lonesome. Fenlon Narrows in Google Earth looked to go w/o dryfalls. Thanks for confirming, great pic. Part of that someday "planned" hike I want to do. Any thoughts on trusting filtering of Colo River water?
Any thoughts on trusting filtering of Colo River water?

I have no idea on the water quality out of the Colorado there below the dam. I would think as long as you filter your a-OK, can't imagine its so bad that filtering or boiling wouldn't be enough. We drink it here in Vegas.

If you ever make it you won't be disappointed.
Fantastic colors!
Your sun bathing on bunch of small rocks looked very humorous. :)
Fantastic colors!
Your sun bathing on bunch of small rocks looked very humorous. :)

It was actually very comfy, even with that one leg hiked up. At my back the rock was flat and reclined at just the right angle, and my butt was on nice sandy ground.
It was actually very comfy, even with that one leg hiked up. At my back the rock was flat and reclined at just the right angle, and my butt was on nice sandy ground.
Perfect spot then! :twothumbs: