Delano Peak and Mt. Holly

Howells Outdoors

Adventure is my middle name...actually it's Keith.
Sep 26, 2012
Originally on Howells Outdoors.

No joke, but on April 1st 2015 I got to visit southern Utah’s mountaineering playground the Tushar Mountains.

A friend invited me to head into the Tushar Mountains. i knew of the area, but had only been to Eagle Point Ski Resort. I found it to be an amazing place to practice and play around with alpine environments.

We took off from the Eagle Point Ski Resort to hit Delano Peak, the highest point, and Mt. Holly. The hiking was pretty easy, the snow was almost all melted along the way. We only had to get in snow if we chose too…and we did.

Some of our purpose to this trip was to learn more about mountaineering techniques. We brought ropes and harness to set up rope teams, and we brought the ice axes to glissade.

I was also testing out the new 5.10 Gore-Tex Camp Four boots.

The hike up to Delano from Eagle Point is around 4 miles if you do the slight detour to Mt. Holly. There’s about a 2,500 ft. elevation gain.

I fell in love with the Tushars. What an awesome place to visit and hike. The backcountry skiing opportunities are great. The mountaineering, the winter skills, etc. are just fantastic.

I love the area.

We spent some time learning some mountaineering techniques, like I mentioned. The Tushars are a great classroom for this. We found a hill to try some glissading on and ascending the ice fields.

On our way back down we chose a different route…and it ended up being a snow field, a soft snow field with the snow being about 2 to 4 feet deep in places. The three others did pretty good at not breaking through the top layer of snow, but me, being a larger man, fell through the snow and was post-holing (each step I went all the way under the snow) for about a mile to the finish line.

Oh well. I still loved the trip.

Here’s the photos:

Featured image for home page:
Those are some nice looking mountains. Looks like you had a nice clear day too.
Well that answers my question as to weather or not I was going to be able to climb Delano in early June. Looks like the snow will be long gone by then.
Well that answers my question as to weather or not I was going to be able to climb Delano in early June. Looks like the snow will be long gone by then.
Yeah...the snow is basically gone.
Did you see my ski tracks down the Southwest gully and the southern headwall into the 3 creeks basin?
My twin and I skied holly for 2 days (march 21-22) and on the last day we got into Eagle Point for free on their "last day ski free" promo after holly.

We were shocked by the lack of coverage. Seems like the meltdown is a month early down there! Didn't get to ski the lake peak couloir this time and City Creek Peak looked dismal too. Luckily mt. holly held the goods, god I love that mountain!

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Yeeeeahhhh! This trip report is awesome, but even more awesome to see the @Tye Dye Twins were up there skiing too.

One thing that kinda bugs me though. Is anyone else bothered by such an obnoxiously large sign on top of a peak? I'd be kinda miffed to hike all that way and then have that huge thing staring back at me. A mailbox buried in rocks is nice, but a huge sign... I'm not a fan.
Did you see my ski tracks down the Southwest gully and the southern headwall into the 3 creeks basin?

We did and it made us jealous. We'll be back there next year for some skiing and adventuring in the Tushars.

One thing that kinda bugs me though. Is anyone else bothered by such an obnoxiously large sign on top of a peak? I'd be kinda miffed to hike all that way and then have that huge thing staring back at me. A mailbox buried in rocks is nice, but a huge sign... I'm not a fan.

Yeah it was weird. Especially since the elevation says 12,169 and the USGS marker says 12,173...