Delamar Mountains


Mar 10, 2016
Days are still a little warm at their peak, but the hiking is ok. So Meadow Valley and the Delamar mountains were my target. And why did I think a .25 tank of gas would get me there and back enough for a refuel ? And not even close to the 1st time... Wake-up McFly ! But I just wanna hike ! screw stopping for gas, that'll delay me 5 minutes ! :rolleyes: So I overshot and coasted into Alamo to fuel up and then headed to Will;ow springs, which was a seeping. Then headed a little higher up to camp and wander onto the first plateau, and watch the moon rise over Sunflower Mountain.


Next morning up at dawn and afoot shortly thereafter.


Then up & down, up & down the series of plateaus, rolling over to eventually overlook un5638. At times a little breezy, depending on where I was.










There are lots of places in the Mojave where the footing is sure. Maybe alternating between rock hopping and navigating the spaces between which are likely florafied, but terra firma. This is not one of those places. Sandy flats and sandy slopes makes for an exhausting 8 hour day.

Lots to see out here, it is one of many very favorite places in the Mojave.
I really like the moonrise photo

Looks like an interesting place to hike, thanks for the report
Such an awesome place, Lincoln Co. Peakbagger's and rock art lover's dream. Haven't been into the Delamars yet. The big canyon draining the center out to the SW and Hwy I really want to get into. If you know of any potential water I'd love to get some beta. For a little more scramble challenge I loved Cathedral and Freakel Peaks across the way in the Meadow Valley Range.


Such an awesome place, Lincoln Co. Peakbagger's and rock art lover's dream. Haven't been into the Delamars yet. The big canyon draining the center out to the SW and Hwy I really want to get into. If you know of any potential water I'd love to get some beta. For a little more scramble challenge I loved Cathedral and Freakel Peaks across the way in the Meadow Valley Range.

The valley at the north terminus of that canyon is lovely. was there recently but hiked the benches east, south towards un5638 again, but viewed from the north. Wllow spring was seeping, and I see a good number of springs on the tops's, but have no idea about relaibility. I suspect it depends upon the water year in large part. '19 winter/spring was GREAT, but then our monsoon summer was a huge bust. No rain to speak of since spring really. A few short lived scattered showers. MVR high point is a really fun and scenic hike. Pass an aircraft wreckage site on the way up.

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Sad to hear about the monsoon. It will be interesting to see the effect on water sources if I go back to any I have seen before. I am concerned it may mean modifying trip plans/ideas. Tanks at Kofa dry? Springs in the Cottonwoods of DVNP? I've often wondered the lag time for drought effects to be visible at springs.