Crossing the Green River by foot near Gates of Lodore


Mar 16, 2015
A guy I know claims to have crossed the canyon on horseback using a narrow horse trail that goes down one side of the canyon and up the other. Anyone know if this is doable, or how difficult it would be, or better yet; anyone know where this horse trail is (my friend who did it several years ago does not; he was just a tag-along on someone else's trip, and he wasn't really paying close attention to the details.)?

Looking at the topo maps and Google-earth angled as best I can, it looks like it might be possible, although steep and probably difficult, to go down from the fire tower on Zenobia Peak down the Zenobia Creek canyon to the river and then get back up again on the other side using the Pots Creek canyon on the other side. But saying that this looks doable albeit difficult on a topo and actually determining via good beta that it's doable is, of course, a totally different question.

It actually looks like it might be even easier to go down the Jack Springs Draw a little north of there, although it looks even more difficult to get back out of the canyon again on the other side up there.

My friend thinks that his route may have been in the vicinity of the Disaster Falls.

Does anyone know anything at all about this potential route?