
Feb 23, 2012
I've been pretty sidetracked since finishing my Boulder to Moab hike several weeks ago so I haven't had a chance to post much about my trip. But, I'm finally getting to that point. I ended up doing the videos before doing the actual trip report this time. So... I'll let you pick your pleasure:

Here's the 5-minute "recap" video jazzed up with some music by OK Go:

If you prefer a quieter, slower paced and more informative trip report style video, check out the full-length video which is just shy of 30 minutes. View it on my site or YouTube here:
Across Utah: Boulder to Moab (full)

Or... if you are more the "never-see-the-movie-before-you-read-the-book"-type, or just get tired of watching my ugly mug talk :), the written trip report with pics will be done in the next few days. I'll post it here and on my site.


- Jamal

Featured image for home page:
Awesome. Well done! I guess the next project will be the Hayduke Trail? Congrats.
That's so cool! I'm amazed that you can walk so far. I have been to many of the areas you hit. That log in Upper Muley Twist narrows hasn't moved for a while... I bet the rarely visited space you must have seen in between landmarks was cool to see. Also, what is the slot at 2:30 called, if you don't mind?
You rock Jamal! You're Les Stroud's twin brother! Hiking/scrambling up the steep stuff to setup a camera, then hiking back down, grabbing the pack, and then hiking up, all to get the shot! Then having to go back and get the camera.
Jamal and Les Stroud = my heroes. I got in the teaser clip but I might have to wait til after my trip this weekend before I have time for the full video. But the teaser looks awesome. It was good to have lunch while you were in town and hear about it then too, looking forward to the rest like I look forward to my Sunday night HBO. :)
The full length is even better!!! Long, but well worth it! I wouldn't have minded if it was longer! :twothumbs:
Thanks Jammer, It was like watching a documentary. A documentary of the wild and serious places of Utah. Interesting all the cairns and the cord by that descent early on. Who left them do you figure? Nicely done, pal!
I just played the full-length video on the TV while eating dinner...great job!
so what happened to mr shadow?

He was there! Early on... then the rain/hail/snow came and he disappeared. :) Actually... even when the sun came back out and it was 92 degrees it was overcast and muggy so he didn't get as much camera time. The weather was definitely the big variable for me this time out.

- JG
Interesting all the cairns and the cord by that descent early on. Who left them do you figure? Nicely done, pal!

Not sure . There were no cairns except right at the crux/rope. It's definitely the route marked on the old 100K quad -- but besides at this point I didn't see any other remnant of a trail. The ropes seemed to be in fairly decent shape (as if they hadn't been there too long.) I have a feeling most foot traffic goes up through Stair Canyon now as there were a few NFS signs pointing "trail" in that direction higher up on the slopes of Boulder Mountain as I came down (though the trail wasn't well defined there either.)

- JG
Not sure . There were no cairns except right at the crux/rope. It's definitely the route marked on the old 100K quad -- but besides at this point I didn't see any other remnant of a trail. The ropes seemed to be in fairly decent shape (as if they hadn't been there too long.) I have a feeling most foot traffic goes up through Stair Canyon now as there were a few NFS signs pointing "trail" in that direction higher up on the slopes of Boulder Mountain as I came down (though the trail wasn't well defined there either.)

- JG

I see... I was also referring to the other cairns throughout your way and in the video. Must have been a half dozen occurrences or more.
I see... I was also referring to the other cairns throughout your way and in the video. Must have been a half dozen occurrences or more.

I gotcha. Yeah... I like taking pics of cairns. There seemed to be a few more along the Hayduke Tr. segments which I was on (compared to last time.) There were also quite a bit coming out of the Happy Canyon (ie technically French Spring Canyon at that point.) The odd thing I noticed -- there seem to be too many cairns where one doesn't really need them and then when one (at least I) questioned the heading... there was not a cairn to be found!

- JG