Books as gear?

Tater Head

Hoo are you looking at?
Jan 29, 2014
Not sure if you all will agree that books would be considered as gear? They are in my book. (Pun intended) Here is one I use all the time and thought I would share. I picked my copy up in the gift shop at Devil's Tower ,WY. You can pick it up on amazon for about $15.00. The book is titled Edible and Medicinal Plants of the West. I love to eat off the trail or to try and fix minor ailments. With this being said I don't go into a area and lay waste to all of the tasty treats the mountains or desert have to offer. Everything in moderation... Here is a link to amazon.

Great, thanks for info.
I ordered a copy via Amazon now and will to receive it tomorrow.
Same price in Euro, it's a good deal.

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Very nice would be, these guides as a e-book or program like the Audubon series.

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I absolutly agree that books can be gear. I need to get a few taylored to my area here on the east coast, but once in hand, they will go with me each and every time.

Your gear aids you during your hiking/camping experiance, so as long as the book does that and is not for entertainment to pass time, I say it falls into the gear catogory.
so as long as the book does that and is not for entertainment to pass time, I say it falls into the gear catogory.

I do some of best reading reading for entertainment while on the trail. Free of distractions, I am able to get into a book and ponder on ideas in a way that I can't at home. Gear or not I always pack a book.
I do some of best reading reading for entertainment while on the trail. Free of distractions, I am able to get into a book and ponder on ideas in a way that I can't at home. Gear or not I always pack a book.

I did not say that one could not take a book for entertainment reading, I just said and agreed that, in my opinion, a book could be counted or classified as gear that you take with you. I stated how, from my point of view, that a book would qualify. I have no doubt that anyone who enjoys a good book, can do some of their best reading when out away from civilization and its distractions. I would not recomend carrying a small library with you, but a few tailored to the enviorment you are going to be in could be handy to have. And if its your cup of tea, a book or 2 for enjoyment as well.
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I keep a tattered copy in my pack. It does not matter where you start reading it, perfect for my pack. Emerson is a trip.
I always keep some ebooks on my phone and do most of my reading while backpacking. I do wish that some of the guides like this were in ebook format. I have a hard time justifying putting a paper book into my pack.