Backpacking the Zion Traverse

Awesome video!

Noticed you guys didn't have your packs on while hiking up Angles Landing, where did you stash them? Are packs not allowed up ANgles Landing or was that a personnel choice?
We just tossed them in the bushes and hid them. Packs are allowed, we just didn't want to take them.
That's some insane mileage (well, it would be for me, anyway). Zion is so gorgeous, but that "National Park" bit in the name puts me off. Your video has me thinking twice about that...
It was a LOT of mileage. Fortunately it was pretty easy mileage (apart from the cement path on West rim). It's the most I had ever done in 3 days. We were pretty surprised we were able to knock that out. Apart from the middle section within 2 miles of Angel's landing, we only saw a couple other people. I think there are more "exciting" things to do in Zion, but that trip was amazing. I'd rank it a 5 of our lives. It'd be fun with a bigger group. It didn't feel like we were in a national park, aside from that crowded center section.
Ouch. Fantastic trip. Let's see........ I've done the Traverse. If I piece 8 different trips together.......ha.
I've done the West Rim and only saw 1 other group until we hit Angels Landing. I'm already planning on doing the Traverse. That upper West Rim trail is some amazing country. Horse Pasture Plateau has to be one of the prettiest places on Earth.
Agreed. That section was amazing. We were really surprised with wildcat canyon too. I'm a sucker for trees in the woods though.
how long does it take to hike up the Angel's Landing portion?
From the valley floor, where the shuttle drops you off, I imagine we could do it in 3 hours round trip, but that doesn't afford any time to stop and smell the roses. I'd plan n 4-5 hours if you want to stop and enjoy it.
We just tossed them in the bushes and hid them. Packs are allowed, we just didn't want to take them.
I'm backpacking the Traverse (aka "Trans-Zion", west-east) next month and want to hit Angel's Landing again on my down from the West Rim. Any hints on where to hide your packs? I was thinking up on the trail above Scout's Landing.
That'd be a great spot, since most people don't go past scout's landing. We stashed ours right by the trail. They weren't out of sight; we just trusted that nobody would take them. Normally I"m not that trusting, but we just went for it. It was maybe 15 feet off the main trail, in some bushes. Use your gut instinct.
Good video/report. Thumbs up. :)

Re: hiding packs -- I've stashed my pack in plain sight numerous times to do the out-and-back to Angel's Landing and it's never been a problem. Put the pack down above the outhouse area and 90% of the traffic will never see it.