Backpacking The Narrows: Tent or no tent?


Aug 9, 2007
I'm backpacking The Zion Narrows next month. It's not my first time but the last was back in 2005 so it's been a while. Debating whether to do a tent or a tarp. I know that the chances of rain should be slim to none so the tarp should be okay, but with all the stories I've heard about mice and huge spiders crawling across people's faces at night, I'm having second thoughts about the tarp.

Or maybe something like this?
Duh! No tent. Hehehe

I did it! You can. Believe me it was tough but I put my big girl panties on, freaked out a few times and finally exhaustion over came my fear and I slept.
I travel with tents, bivey, or a covered hammock. Then again, I'm in the midwest where the skeeters will eat you alive if you try to tarp it. (In the winter months I sometimes go with a tarp, but then again the warmth of a tent is nice in the winter.)
How about a Eureka Solitaire? Or if you got enough dough laying around Big Agnes Fly creek is on sale at REI right now.
I always want to go without tent but the thought of bugs always ends with me bringing a tent. Last time I was down there though my buddy did it without issue... Except when he woke up with a big toad chilling out on his sleeping bag.
just man up and go without! i am calling you out.... :devil:
I've slept in the narrows with..ahem.. no tent...bag or anything and had little if any bug problems. I'd say tarp it.
just man up and go without! i am calling you out.... :devil:

I am guessing Nick does not own any "big girl panties", but maybe we should send him some.

I am as bug-a-phobic as the anyone here outside the state mental institute, and I can do the Narrows without creepy-crawly protection. The good news is that it is always cool enough that you will be zipped inside your bag, so the mice, spiders and frogs only have your face to go for... Hockey mask?

I didn't see the link to the big girl panties in the Canyoneering USA Store, Tom. :lol:

In my defense, I have slept 16 out of my 20 bag nights this year on a tarp with no bug protection. Like I said, it's the stories of mice on face that freaks me out. But I'll suck it up. Tarp it is. Now to recruit some of my trip mates to share the tarp with me and I'll sleep in the middle. :lol: Power in numbers!